
Pre 2023 Rush Sorority Rankings

by: Ranks

So all of you going into rush can have a better understanding of what each sorority is actually like:

KKG - undisputed top tier, great house, connections, mixes with only the best, nice girls for the most part, good luck getting in if you aren't connected already somehow
DDD - Can't go wrong with any of the top 3 but definitely have a more of a cool girl image and a little more fun than the other two, might actually be possible to get a bid here too, mixes with a lot more frats
KAT - slightly more down to earth than KKG, still mostly rich, still mostly people with lots of connections to the sorority getting bids

Almost top:
Pi Phi - cool girl persona, think they're unique, but this is somewhat true, more interesting to talk to, strange frat relations and invites (still most top), but definitely a good sisterhood that has a lot of fun
A Phi - basically a top but with more of a stigma around them, slightly less invites, they all know they're hot and want you to think that about them, most are nice but sisterhood is pretty superficial

Next down:
DG- most I've talked to are very genuine, very respected sisterhood, lots of good invites, good mixers, nothing really bad to say about DG, everyone seems to have a very positive view too

Upper mid:
DZ- DZ is definitely not on the same level as DG, there's a decent gap between the two, fairly not cohesive sisterhood from what I've seen, most are pretty nice, good looking, seen as cool and partiers but also somewhat as social climbers, still get good invites and good mixers, good fun to be around if a little flaky

AXO- AXO is a great sisterhood, lots of fun, seems to have lots of genuine friends within the sorority, and they are comfortable with who and where they are, nothing really bad to say about them, they can have fun anywhere and they get invited to a lot of things, can't go wrong here
Zeta- a bit like a watered down DZ, a bit social climber and flaky, but there are plenty of very nice and good looking girls in Zeta, get a good amount of invites, but sisterhood seems to be not as cohesive either

Lower Mid: I don't think the ranking between these is really a difference, they all just have different personalities.
SK - SK has a lot of really nice, cool, girls who know how to fun, but there are also a bunch of random girls in SK, overall they make the most out of their sorority, and somehow SK gives me the vibe of like an old-school sorority in a good way, obviously won't have the top tier mixers and party invites but will definitely have fun
Chi O - fairly boring sorority, most girls are bland but sweet, not much partiers but some definitely are, they seem to carry a higher prestige than the other 2 in this group to outsiders but nothing really special, sisterhood does seem decent
ADPi - seems like they have the greatest variety in sisters, some are awesome and some are boring, not doing too great in terms of frat relations but they definitely seem like they could be doing better, just not cohesive for some reason, but lots of sisters are really cool so unsure what's going on

Upper Bottom:
KD - again, very random sisterhood and I don't think there's a specific thing that defines the KD sisters, they are definitely better than the 2 bottom ones, but in terms of events, fun, relations, they're below the lower mid sororities, I don't think people have a negative opinion about KD though

Bottom: I'm out of characters but I can elaborate in comments if anyone wants
Tri Sig

G Phi

Posted By: Ranks
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#1  by: aphi   

DG is not a genuine sisterhood. All they do is get blackout drunk. I hear many of them describe their sisters as superficial and very fake.

By: aphi
by: ohDec 13, 2022 1:25:02 PM

I think you can say the same thing about DZ, word for word.

By: oh
by: let's be honestDec 13, 2022 4:15:00 PM

DG and DZ are basically the same except one gets better invites

By: let's be honest
by: DGDec 28, 2022 9:25:42 AM

As a DG confirm not genuine

By: DG
#2  by: what   


By: what
#3  by: Zeta   

DZ down, same as ZTA, and AXO
XO up too

By: Zeta
#4  by: agreed   

I think this is how most people see things in terms of ranks. Everyone has their own opinions of sororities. All of them have nice/mean/funny/rude girls honestly but you just gotta find a sorority where you feel you get along with the people you talk you because it speaks volumes for the girls they rush.

By: agreed
#5  by: Y   

bumping because rush starts soon....good luck getting into the top tier unless you're already on the list. Honestly, you'll have fun anywhere you end up if you trust the process.

By: Y
#6  by: Hang on   

Any pnm who thinks she can rush by so-called ranks is going to have a bad rush. The sororities will choose who to invite back and the pnm's will go back to where they are invited. If you don't give the houses that actually WANT you a chance then you will miss out. Don't let anonymous posters on a disreputable site influence you. You are smarter than that.

By: Hang on
by: YDec 31, 2022 9:32:08 AM


By: Y
#7  by: yeah   

bumping - this is how most people see it

By: yeah

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