
big 5 isn't a thing


I know that I'm going to get a lot of hate but just wanted to put out there that the big 5 isn't a thing. Obviously people rank using different metrics and some people like "holistic" ranks, but if we are going by social clout (I hate myself for saying that), kappa, theta, and tridelt are still the top and aphi and pi phi right below.

A lot of people on greekrank like to say that aphi/pi phi are better than theta, but literally no one I've met in person says that. Kappa, theta, and tridelt all hang out at the same frats (dke, elmo, zete, hall, etc) and are friends, whereas aphi hangs out most with phi psi and more recently kappa sig. There is obviously overlap at times but in general, this is true.

In summary: hate on the traditional rankings as much as you want, but in real life, they are true. Aphi and pi phi have just as awesome girls but are socially in a different group.

Posted By: truth
Page 1 of 2

Get over yourself, pi phi and aphi party with all those frats. Insecurity is not a good look, sweetie.

By: literally what
by: Yeah but   

If we go off by parties then yeah all five attend the same frat parties, but thats not the same as being friends with those boys. Whether or not it’s ok that girl ranks link up to boys rank is up to each person, but it’s not a coincidence that ddd kappa theta as a collective are actually friends with top frats

By: Yeah but
by: lol   

Pi phi isn't even on the list for dke grain... and I'm someone who thinks pi phi is better than aphi lol

doesn't actually matter but they simply don't frequent the same frats

By: lol
by: dke grain   

ah yes the ultimate measure of popularity at UVA... the fabled and elite DKE grain. oh, to be a sorority girl dressed in her colors flexing their exclusivity for instagram

By: dke grain

Ouch, who hurt you hunny? They all party together, Big 5 makes sense

By: Wow

Also keep in mind theta could drop down to like 4/5 out of the big 5 due to the scandal. So aphi may even rise higher to the top 3 of the big 5. So better to keep it as Big 5 bc theta will stay top tier that way

By: Devils advocate
by: idk   

I'm not in theta and have no idea what the "scandal" is actually about (or if there even is one) but unless it's suspension level, I can't see it actually affecting them tbh even if it should. PNMs care too much about status and theta will always carry that

By: idk
by: Bro   

You seem to be forgetting that aphi was literally on probation last year

By: Bro
by: Lol    

Ik 10+ of friends that preffed Theta and choose aphi. Girls that pref pi phi also pref like dz or something... big diff

By: Lol
by: dumb   

@lol if they pref theta and then go aphi it means theta rejected them .....

By: dumb
by: TJ   

What Theta “scandal”? I am an alum and haven’t heard anything

By: TJ
by: up   

There is no scandal. People just making stuff up.

By: up

you sound pathetic and are obviously feeling threatened. Rank should be based on quality of girl, not which boys we hang out with (even tho Aphi and pi phi literally hang out with the same boys as the other 3). Big 5 is a thing, or should I say Big 4 since theta has now fallen from grace :)

By: lol
by: eh   

I still don’t get the that has fallen bit, they still mix with the same people and gr is just a bunch of drama and speculation bc girls are bored/jealous.

but yeah big 5 is a thing. ddd/kkg/kat mix more with the top 4 frats bc a bunch of them went to private school together but ap/pbp get invited to everything they do as well so yeah too 5 r equal

By: eh
by: No   

Someone please please please ban aphi from this site.

By: No

Except for the fact that it is true. They're all great houses, even Theta.

By: bitter betty
by: Big5   

big 5 is real. see but this is way to obvious for any of the old “top 3” to have posted so it’s was prob some random trying to start drama

By: Big5
by: @Big5   

Good point, the original post is very sus.

Don't let the hateful little randos get you down, queens!

By: @Big5

Sweetie, I feel you we are all cooped up in quarantine and i get you are wanting to feel better about your self by tearing other houses down. but truth is that the big 5 are completely different from mid tier. They are all pretty much interchangeable at this point (even Theta). I suggest you take a good hard look at your self, realize that insecurity is a nasty trait, drink some water, get off greek rank, and get a good night's sleep. Trust me, I've been there and it's not a good spot to have your mind in. Bless your heart

By: In what world?
by: ?   

haha you are blowing OP's post way out of proportion- she just said that they are different groups, how is that "nasty insecurity"

By: ?
by: @?   

Hahaha nice try. You are probably the OP. I stand by my point. You are probably a bitter DG or DZ trying to tear down aphi and pi phi to make them appear more "mid tier ". But facts are facts. They are still a step above you. No hate to the mid tier girls but Big 5 is a thing! I get you see jealous but honestly it's almost midnight , get off gr and get some rest. Again, insecurity is a bad look :)

By: @?

I think this could have been said better, but they are just kind of different groups. Not that one is better than the other, because that's personal choice, but tridelt, kappa, and theta mix together a lot, are in friend groups together, etc whereas generally I think aphi and pi phi girls hang out more within their own sorority. That's obviously a grand generalization and it differs on an individual level, but on a whole, it's true.

By: I actually agree

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by: Ok   

Sort of? But they are all top so I think you are a little off track .

By: Ok

i agree with this. aphi and piphi do not hang out with the same frats that kkg/kat/ddd do. maybe they have like one mixer per year together. nice try sweeties

By: yep
by: false   

Hi DZ! Jealous much? aphi and piphi are still above you. nice try.

By: false
by: U smell bad   

@false hahah def an aphi who so badly wants “big 5” to be a thing!!

By: U smell bad

aphi is HEATED in this thread

By: damn
by: @damn   

lol they mad! they really are! face it, they are big 5 i agree but they are obv lower than ddd/kappa/theta. these girls need to CHILL

By: @damn

What up ladies? Everybody knows the big 5 is not a thing socially. Of course each of the 5 attend the same parties. Great. Party on. 5 organizations make too large of a social group. It is more nuanced than that. Anyone involved in UVA greek life can tell which of those within "the big 5" are actually close with certain frats. Honestly it is up to personal preference. Each sorority at UVA has some notable cons and none of the sororities are considered super high quality top to bottom. But hey thats true of any college.

By: hoos
by: Wahoowa   

Facts. Give it up girls! This is out of control

By: Wahoowa

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