
rush tips?


stressed about rushing... any advice at all would be much appreciated. thank you!!

Posted By: nervous pnm
Page 1 of 2

Do your research. Learn a little about each of the sororitys prior to rush. 16 "parties" in 2 days can be overwhelming. It's not easy to get to know a sorority in 30 minutes. Learn about their Nationals and their philanthropies.

Be yourself but be your BEST self at each party. It's exhausting, think of 16 job interviews in 2 days. Realize it's tiring for the sisters too. Everyone is gung ho the first day, everyone is wiped by the end of the second.

Make your own decisions. Don't be influenced by others. If it feels right TO YOU then go with it.

If nothing works out, it's ok. sorority life isn't for everyone. It's a big commitment in time and money. There is a TON of stuff on Grounds to keep you busy and engaged. Don't settle if it's not something you can commit to 100%.

Don't be catty. Don't be catty. Don't be catty.

By: Research
by: easy   

All you have to do is google rush coach! The most reputable coaches will pop up first. Just be sure to work with one that's helped girls at UVA. I found mine super helpful.

By: easy

Stay off Greek Rank!

Actually, the discussions can be helpful but the individual rankings are worthless. For real.

By: Haha

Work with your coach and trust what she says. They are the experts at creating a narrative -- like a progression of outfits and conversations that markets your best "you."

By: mt
by: stressed   

This stresses me out. Do people really get rush coaches like at some other schools?

By: stressed
by: Actually   

I think some people do. There was an article in the New York Times in 2012 titled Pledge Prep, Prepping Students for Sorority Rush. UVA was mentioned. Google and read it. I think the girls who do have coaches don't talk about it. I hate to say it but your friends are also your competition. There are only so many spots in each sorority and everyone wants to get in a good one. It's a weird, stressful time. Not so much if you're content to be in a bottom tier. Good luck!

By: Actually
by: Anon   

I had a "coach." She helped me a lot. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't tell anyone about it. Worked with her over Christmas.

By: Anon
by: Wahoo   

My mom wasn't in a sorority but she has tons of friends who were in sororitys at UVA. Some even had daughters at UVA. They were a huge help because I was clueless. If you don't have friends to help then get a coach.

By: Wahoo
by: Curious   

Any first years getting a coach? Where do you find one

By: Curious
by: curious   

Yeah, where do I find one?

By: curious
by: Not a first year   

Do not get a coach for the love of God. Spend your time/money on something enriching.

By: Not a first year
by: ^^^   

Please give to your favorite charity instead.

By: ^^^
by: Shhh   

Says the girls who probably had legacy and friends on their side. Don't judge girls who hire a coach. It's an unfamiliar process and if you are lost they definitely help!

By: Shhh
by: truth   

girls shouldnt get rush coaches, it completely takes away the aspect of "being yourself." if you get into a sorority for who you faked being rather than who you are, you shouldnt be in that sorority and will soon find out you are not that similar to your "sisters." If you buy into the tiers being the "be all, end all" of sororities, then you are joining for the wrong reason and interrupting the "social darwinism" that is part of girls rush

By: truth

Definitely learn a little about each sorority, but not too much! I went in with a mostly open mind and that helped so much. I went into a couple "top tier" sororities having no idea how they were ranked and came out thinking they were really lame. All that matters is your impression of each of them and whether or not you can see yourself in them.
They say you're almost guaranteed to end up with a sorority if you rank all of them along the way, but don't take that as you'll definitely join one. There are one or two sororities that take just about anyone... I know that sounds harsh but it's true. You might go all the way through rush and only have those two left and know that they don't fit your personality. And thats okay!! You can always try informal rush, rush again as a second year, or find another organization that you can see yourself in.

By: Advice
by: FYI   

For those wondering, those two sororities the person above is talking about are Gamma Phi and SDT

by: OMG   

Actually, I think it's Tri Sig. If you can't get in anywhere Tri Sig! A well known phease on Grounds.

by: Advice   

As the person who posted the original message, I purposefully left out which sororities I was referring to so PNM's don't get a negative impression of them...Just because a sorority accepts a lot of girls doesn't mean that sorority isn't a good fit for you! I will say tho that this will be Tri Sig's first year participating in formal rush so no one knows how inclusive/exclusive they'll be.

By: Advice
by: Wut?   

Tri Sig? Exclusive? Get real. It's going to be a while before Tri Sig becomes "exclusive." But I encourage the PNMs to do their research. Tri Sig has been bottom tier for 30 years because of their national reputation as well as their local reputation. Nice girls but they don't hold a candle to the top tier girls. Sorry.

By: Wut?
by: Yikes    

I'd just like to point out that the girl never said that Tri Sig was exclusive... She obviously meant no one knows where Tri Sig will end up on the spectrum of inclusivity/exclusivity. Try reading the message before attacking someone. No one is trying to claim that Tri Sig is gonna be top tier, it's their first formal rush...

By: Yikes
by: Um   

I'd just like to point out that Tri Sig will never be exclusive. UVA is too rooted in tradition to ever change. Kappa/Theta will always be exclusive and top tier. Tri Sig will always be bottom tier. It's the truth. Deal with it. No one said they're not nice girls. They're just not top tier girls.

By: Um
by: plz   

Feel like I'm watching "Mean Girls"

By: plz

If you're crazy rich and from the south...go Kappa
If you're crazy rich and from the north...go Theta
If you're smoking hot...go Tri Delt
If you're a super-charming extrovert...go PiPhi
If you're into sunglasses, sundresses, and appearance...go APhi
If you're known only for your blonde hair...go DG
If you're into going home with a guy after every mixer...go DZ
If you're into partying really hard...go ZTA
If you're a nice girl...go XO/KD
If you're a nice girl and like diversity...go AXO
If you're a nice girl and like having fun...go SK
If you're simultaneously both a hottie and a wierdo...go SDT/GPhi
If you're shy and quiet...go ADP
If you can't get into any of the above...go SSS

By: Wahoo
by: Advice   

Okay so all PNM's should avoid the above comment like the plague. This is the opposite of what we want them to be thinking about. Pointless reputations that paint almost all of the sororities in a negative light? Awful. Not to mention the inaccuracy of a lot of these...

By: Advice
by: Actually   

Oddly accurate.

By: Actually
by: Agree   

Yup. This is pretty accurate.

By: Agree

Which of the top tier mixes with Beta?

By: 1st

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by: lol   


By: lol
by: Re: 1st   

In the past two semesters they've had mixers with KD, A Phi, and Pi Phi, to name a few. Have mixed with Tri Delt. A lot of different personalities in Beta, so a lot of different types of sorority girls hang out around them.

By: Re: 1st

By when in the semester have the top sororities picked their pledge classes?

By: time
by: noi   

By now.

By: noi
by: Nope   

Maybe half the class is a slam dunk. There are no guarantees until bid cards are out. Girls who are burned never talk about it because it would be admitting to dirty rushing.

By: Nope

girls shouldnt get rush coaches, it completely takes away the aspect of "being yourself." if you get into a sorority for who you faked being rather than who you are, you shouldnt be in that sorority and will soon find out you are not that similar to your "sisters." If you buy into the tiers being the "be all, end all" of sororities, then you are joining for the wrong reason and interrupting the "social darwinism" that is part of girls rush

By: Guest
by: Coach   

My coach helped me through the process, I think I was more myself because I was more relaxed and confident. Definitely worked in my favor.

By: Coach
by: z   

Doesn't this discriminate against poors?

By: z
by: B   

Greek life itself discriminates against poors. Dues are just a part of the expenses related to being in a sorority.

By: B

You can find one just by googling "rush coach". Find one that's worked with girls from your specific school

By: good luck!

These discussions can be helpful but the individual rankings are worthless. For real.

By: Sea

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