
greek party life


I'm considering either UCSB or UNR for school next year and I'm curious about the greek party life here at UNR. Obviously partying isn't the biggest factor in deciding which school I want to attend but it definitelty is something I'm curious about. Just wondering how fun it is over at UNR.

Posted By: Honestly
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Partying at reno is soo fun! I mean ucsb looks really fun but unr gets lit! especially if you are in a frat. there are a lot of fun parties thursday through saturday you can always find something going on!

By: funperson

RUSH TKE for dope ass parties

By: fratter
by: Frat   

Lmaoooooo maybe more like pregames

By: Frat

We party. UCSB parties. I'd say the party scene at UCSB is better. At UNR, unless you're frat, sport, or a club sport, parties are pretty weak IN MY OPINION. Also Make sure you like the cold if you come here

By: Steve

UCSB far out ranks UNR


ucsb laps unr. ucsb all day

By: okok

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