
who is going to purchase sigma nu house?


Rumor is a Sorority will acquire the best house on campus. Is this true?

Posted By: Chester
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yes aopii and they will become top sorrority

By: 2
by: Wtf   

HAHAHAHHAHAHAH WHAT??? Aopii will never be a top sorority & they don't even have the money to get the house. One of the other frats will most likely get it

By: Wtf
by: Greg   

Not saying AOII will definitely purchase it or become top house if they do, but they are definitely the most likely to acquire it. Most likely a super long term lease. They already have nationals behind them.

By: Greg
by: Nope   

The fact that AOPig thinks having a nice house will make them a top sorority totally explains why they will always be the bottom b!txh sorority

By: Nope

DG is getting it.

By: Joe

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I heard that Pi Phi is getting is because they're definitely coming back next fall and have a ton of alumni backing.

By: Kate
by: Greek   

Pi Phi already owns a house.

By: Greek

While speculation is fun, no one actually knows who is going to get it. It's all a closed door bidding war, and until the Alum who own the house come out with a decision, no one will actually know.

By: Anon

AOII got the SigNu house!

By: Kappa
by: SigE   

Good for them! Its about time they got a house. Hopefully they'll make it their own and it won't be known as the sigma nu house.

By: SigE
by: Greek   

It'll be known as the sigma Nu house for a long time. Too much history there

By: Greek

AOii just got it

By: Yeezy

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