
more soror


we definitely need more sororities, the fact that there were 2 brand new fraternities last year and another one coming, the ratio is messed up... one of the biggest problem is homecoming

Posted By: frat guy
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haters will never let it happen. we have wanted ZTA and DZ for years. but haters won't budge. Plus pi phi is coming back and they will be strong, so things should get a little better

By: yeah but
by: wolfpack   

Who are these 'haters'? DZ had a chance to come on when AOii did but they didnt have a good enough presentation.

By: wolfpack
by: hmm   

I think the "haters" the person is taking about is the people who were super against Zeta Tau Alpha and Delta Zeta coming on because they didn't want us to resemble UNLV. What they aren't considering is that ZTA and DZ have really strong alumni in Nevada.

By: hmm

When is Pi Phi coming back?

By: ^

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by: .   

spring '17

By: .
by: ^   

Ok. We can work with that. One more semester and then we get a legendary sorority back.

By: ^
by: ..   

How are you guys thinking Pi Phi will do when they come back? Do you think it would be worth it for PNMs to pass on formal rush in the fall and wait for Pi Phi?

By: ..
by: ^   

I'm pretty sure Pi Phi will be outstanding right away. That said, I wouldn't pass on formal recruitment. What if Pi Phi doesn't take you?

By: ^
by: Guest   

They were only "legendary" because of the girls who were in it and got all kicked out and closed down because they hazed. As the new sorority, they will only get the choice of everyone's recruitment leftovers, so they will even be below DG.

By: Guest
by: meh ^   

I know loads of people waiting to rush just so they can be in Pi Phi. There are a lot of legacy and people really like Pi Phi.

By: meh ^
by: prediction   

I predict Pi Phi will do really well right away. DG and AOPi did not come on campus with the same history as Pi Phi

By: prediction
by: pi phi insider   

they have the ability to return in spring 17 although that hasn't been finalized yet

By: pi phi insider

Is still on for Fall 2017.

By: pi phi
by: Nope   

Still kicked off. Bottom tier full of randos if they ever come back

By: Nope
by: FYI   

The Pi Beta Phi Reno Alum Club would like to speak with you; their Pi Beta Phi chapter IS returning Fall 2017.


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