
sorority rankings (2022)

by: kansas

chi o, g phi, kkg
theta, axo, pi phi
tri delta, dg
kd, sk

Posted By: kansas
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#1  by: okay   

switch tri delt and DG and its perfect

By: okay
by: nahJul 16, 2022 9:24:45 AM

didn’t someone in dg get arrested?

By: nah
by: oopJul 16, 2022 10:08:27 PM

@nah yes she literally curb stomped someone. wish I was kidding.

By: oop
#2  by: girly    

at the end of the day gphi is not a top house and will never be

By: girly
#3  by: Insider    

Switch theta and gphi and then you’re talkin

By: Insider
by: trueAug 2, 2022 4:10:53 PM


By: true
by: LolAug 16, 2022 5:22:08 PM

You can tell who’s on Greek rank

By: Lol
#4  by: lmfao   

Enough with the dg slander they’re not that low.

By: lmfao
by: umJul 18, 2022 7:18:54 PM

um okay dg? did you read the comments? you can rise in ranks once you stop taking felons

By: um
#5  by: junior   


By: junior
#6  by: ??   

Switch kd and sk, sk is not under kd in any world??

By: ??
#7  by: For freshmen   

People outside of Greek life don’t talk about/care about rankings, they seriously don’t have clue about how Greek life works about they don’t care. I’m seriously in a “bottom house” and ppl outside of Greek life have looked at my house and the girls in it and been like “r y’all like a top house?” In all seriousness. It’s seriously not a determining factor of how cool u are

By: For freshmen
by: okayJul 28, 2022 4:44:51 PM

I'm just gonna put this out there. you're right, people who aren't in greek life don't care what house you're in. however, they're not the ones posting on here saying they don't care, its people (just like you because you claimed you were in chapter) that come on here and try to make themself feel better about not being in a top house. when in reality people in greek life don't care past rush. if you're a nice person that people get along with thats what matters, not what house you're in. Also, a lot of people drop after sophomore year and continue on with their life. greek life is not that pretentious here, we don't go to school in the deep south. and the people who do care about what house you're in past rush probably aren't the people you want to be friends with anyways. you are personally not responsible for the reputation of your house, you're responsible for the reputation of yourself.

By: okay
by: bruhJul 28, 2022 6:03:02 PM

I agree with @okay. you posting on here saying that it doesn't matter is the same energy as the people posting ranks. essentially what your doing is saying that you house is good regardless of ranks and trying to boost them without name dropping your chapter. you're part of the problem. get over it. our top chapters would be considered bottom chapters at other schools. our bottom chapters are considered top chapters at other schools. theres always going to be a good house and a bad house. just like any school, business, etc. thats the way the world works. get over it and grow up and accept that thats how todays society works. not everything is personal

By: bruh
by: OhAug 17, 2022 4:25:59 PM

Ku Greek life is almost dead

By: Oh
#8  by: yeah but…   

switch gphi and theta! both are good houses but with grades/recruitment theta is normally on top

By: yeah but…
#9  by: 111   


By: 111
#10  by: Omg   

Best one I’ve seen

By: Omg

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