
fraternity comments

by: GR Administrator

University of Kansas - KU General Fraternity Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
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Page 3 of 9
#21  by: Heywood   

Fiji may have once made it a top five, but from what I hear thay aren't back all the way yet.

By: Heywood
#22  by: @ KSU   

To you K state Hick, go back to the barn where you belong. you def are pissed because you could not get into KU and its superior greek system. secondly we are better at EVERYTHING from KSU, Education, Money, Classiness and looks. So you can burn in the hell of riley county and your HICKISTAN. E maw my A S S

By: @ KSU
#23  by: Andrew Luck   

There is a well known top four at KU for fraternities. In no order 1. Phi Psi 2. Phi Delt 3. Beta 4. Sigma Chi
They are each different houses, but it is within the walls of those four that the biggest frat stars/jocks/future leaders reside.

By: Andrew Luck
#24  by: Fred Fratter    

You might want to update this list. I doubt phi psi would still be consider the top house after getting a 2.5 GPA

By: Fred Fratter
#25  by: George W Bush   

Phi psi shouldn't even be in the top 15. And phi kappa tau doesn't even have a house anymore. This list is a terrible representation of ku fraternities

By: George W Bush
#26  by: Fratter's girl   

What does it matter if they do not have a house if they are all great guys.

By: Fratter's girl
#27  by: pinkfloyd   

dang, phi psi must be full of retahds

By: pinkfloyd
#28  by: JayHoc   

I dont think phidelt should be up with us and phi psi, but the fact that TKE and KSig and half those other jokers are up there is stupid. DU maybe.

DTD above Sig Ep is nonsense. I dont personally like them but there still better then DTD.

And anybody being below Triangle? Give me a break.

By: JayHoc
#29  by: whats real   

There are a handful of houses on campus (like Beta, Phi Delt, Kappa Sig, Du) who have been on campus for around 100 years and have not had major issues at their houses in recent years. Call it luck, but I think these houses in particular (I am sure there are others also) who look for specific things in their members. Because of this they avoid some of the accidents and creepy stuff that can happen. With that said, the greek system at Ku is important, worth joining and adds to the college experience. All greeks should try to focus on the good of the group and not these stupid rivalries. The sorority side of this site is worse.

By: whats real
#30  by: KUgirl   

Really guys...the best insult you can come up with is cargo shorts?

By: KUgirl

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