Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority Ratings at KU

Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 390 3.71
  • Total Ratings: 390
  • Overall Average:74.2%


  • Sorority Name: Kappa Delta - Information Page
  • School: University of Kansas - KU
  • Associates with:
    - Fraternities:  Alpha Kappa Lambda, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Chi, Delta Tau Delta, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Chi, Triangle, Zeta Beta Tau
    - Sororities:  Alpha Delta Pi, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sigma Delta Tau, Sigma Kappa
  •   Rate this Sorority


  • Reputation:Smart
  • Friendliness:65.4%
  • Popularity:69.6%
  • Classiness:73.8%
  • Involvement:75.6%
  • Social Life:75.6%
  • Sisterhood:76.4%
  • 390 Ratings
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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 4.6 Very elegant sweet girls. They are just so nice it's hard to not like this house.
By: KUPosted:

Very elegant sweet girls. They are just so nice it's hard to not like this house.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 5.0 Don't know where all the criticism comes from. Trolls calling other girls trolls is funny af. This is a great house I have never met one I didn't like. They are smart and beautiful and classy. Everyone wants to be a KD and I can understand why. The nicest most genuine girls I have met have been KD. Can't say that about girls in other houses.
By: KU JayhawkPosted:

Don't know where all the criticism comes from. Trolls calling other girls trolls is funny af. This is a great house I have never met one I didn't like. They are smart and beautiful and classy. Everyone wants to be a KD and I can understand why. The nicest most genuine girls I have met have been KD. Can't say that about girls in other houses.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 1.2 KD's trolling greekrank like clockwork v
By: no to themPosted:

KD's trolling greekrank like clockwork v

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 2.8 Wow... I had some nice things to say about the girls of KD until I saw this: "Hating someone who happens to be better than you isn't going to make you better." Please tell me you're kidding. No human being is better or worse than anyone else, I thought we all knew that. There's some kindhearted sweet girls in this house that I've met, but KD is stereotyped for being stuckup sometimes and this is probably why. The bad seeds always have to bring everybody else down.
By: smhPosted:

Wow... I had some nice things to say about the girls of KD until I saw this: "Hating someone who happens to be better than you isn't going to make you better." Please tell me you're kidding. No human being is better or worse than anyone else, I thought we all knew that. There's some kindhearted sweet girls in this house that I've met, but KD is stereotyped for being stuckup sometimes and this is probably why. The bad seeds always have to bring everybody else down.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 5.0 Love this house, love all the girls in this house, I don't care how many trolls get on here to try and bring them down they are strong, they are beautiful, and they are classy. Any girl would be proud and honored to be a Kappa Delta
By: Be Proud girlsPosted:

Love this house, love all the girls in this house, I don't care how many trolls get on here to try and bring them down they are strong, they are beautiful, and they are classy. Any girl would be proud and honored to be a Kappa Delta

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 3.2 If we forget about the psycho girls on here who apparently bleed KD, this is what I would rate this house. The normal kappa deltas are pretty cool and nice. Some are a bit judgmental though that I've noticed. All in all it's an average house on campus like most other houses. Nothing exceptional, but obviously there can only be 1 house with best gpa, one house that wins rcr, or homecoming, etc. People either like them or hate them like any other house.
By: sorority4lifePosted:

If we forget about the psycho girls on here who apparently bleed KD, this is what I would rate this house. The normal kappa deltas are pretty cool and nice. Some are a bit judgmental though that I've noticed. All in all it's an average house on campus like most other houses. Nothing exceptional, but obviously there can only be 1 house with best gpa, one house that wins rcr, or homecoming, etc. People either like them or hate them like any other house.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 5.0 One of my favorite houses. All the KD's I've met have been so nice and very outgoing and always willing to help. Some really hot ones too
By: truePosted:

One of my favorite houses. All the KD's I've met have been so nice and very outgoing and always willing to help. Some really hot ones too

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 5.0 No one told on a frat for anything, I have NO IDEA where this crazy person even comes from. But KD is a fine house with some of the hottest nicest girls on campus. A very popular house during rush.
By: KU campusPosted:

No one told on a frat for anything, I have NO IDEA where this crazy person even comes from. But KD is a fine house with some of the hottest nicest girls on campus. A very popular house during rush.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 4.6 Went through and read a lot of the ranks. Except for a cluster of bad ranks all written by the same person last October (Like 10 in a row all saying the same thing blah blah "issues with frats") about an incident that happened when SAE came to a party high on ecstasy, there is nothing bad about this house. The boys apologized and that should not reflect on KD as they did nothing wrong. If SAE got in trouble for their own actions that is not KD's fault. Pissed off girls need to grow up.
By: LoLPosted:

Went through and read a lot of the ranks. Except for a cluster of bad ranks all written by the same person last October (Like 10 in a row all saying the same thing blah blah "issues with frats") about an incident that happened when SAE came to a party high on ecstasy, there is nothing bad about this house. The boys apologized and that should not reflect on KD as they did nothing wrong. If SAE got in trouble for their own actions that is not KD's fault. Pissed off girls need to grow up.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 4.6 Great girls. Super classy and hot. Have some in my classes and I have a great time partying with them. They're not fake like a lot of the houses.
By: FratPosted:

Great girls. Super classy and hot. Have some in my classes and I have a great time partying with them. They're not fake like a lot of the houses.

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