Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority Ratings at KU

Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 390 3.71
  • Total Ratings: 390
  • Overall Average:74.2%


  • Sorority Name: Kappa Delta - Information Page
  • School: University of Kansas - KU
  • Associates with:
    - Fraternities:  Alpha Kappa Lambda, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Chi, Delta Tau Delta, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Chi, Triangle, Zeta Beta Tau
    - Sororities:  Alpha Delta Pi, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sigma Delta Tau, Sigma Kappa
  •   Rate this Sorority


  • Reputation:Smart
  • Friendliness:65.4%
  • Popularity:69.6%
  • Classiness:73.8%
  • Involvement:75.6%
  • Social Life:75.6%
  • Sisterhood:76.4%
  • 390 Ratings
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Page 27 of 39
Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 5.0 And BOOM there's your negative comment about KD. Lol you are so predictable and pathetic. Sorry about your house but gheez come up with something better than calling them dykes. Really not creative at all.
By: There ya goPosted:

And BOOM there's your negative comment about KD. Lol you are so predictable and pathetic. Sorry about your house but gheez come up with something better than calling them dykes. Really not creative at all.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 4.4 Hey omgggg I don't get why you are so worried about everyone's ranks. You worry about self ranks, bad ranks, and good ranks. Who really cares? Anyone can leave a bad or good rank on any house. This site is irrelevant and the more you care about what's on here the more pathetic your life is. Don't get so worked up no one cares about this garbage I suggest you try doing the same.
By: LOLPosted:

Hey omgggg I don't get why you are so worried about everyone's ranks. You worry about self ranks, bad ranks, and good ranks. Who really cares? Anyone can leave a bad or good rank on any house. This site is irrelevant and the more you care about what's on here the more pathetic your life is. Don't get so worked up no one cares about this garbage I suggest you try doing the same.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 4.6 I love when the kappa delta hater gets her panties in a bunch. She must not have much of a life to worry so much about one sorority. Keep making yourself look ridiculous because you give everyone a good laugh hahahaha
By: lolPosted:

I love when the kappa delta hater gets her panties in a bunch. She must not have much of a life to worry so much about one sorority. Keep making yourself look ridiculous because you give everyone a good laugh hahahaha

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 5.0 What's repulsive is YOUR jealousy and immaturity. Who says they're self ranks? Oh really? You can't stand them? Well I'm betting most of them can't stand you as either. What's embarrassing is you as a sorority girl getting on greek rank and saying how much you hate other sorority girls. You should be ashamed of your spiteful immaturity. Maybe you should drop your house if you can't show a little grown up class. My goodness such a hateful person you are
By: LOLPosted:

What's repulsive is YOUR jealousy and immaturity. Who says they're self ranks? Oh really? You can't stand them? Well I'm betting most of them can't stand you as either. What's embarrassing is you as a sorority girl getting on greek rank and saying how much you hate other sorority girls. You should be ashamed of your spiteful immaturity. Maybe you should drop your house if you can't show a little grown up class. My goodness such a hateful person you are

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 4.6 I Can never understand why a girl gets more bent out of shape about a good rank on another sorority than she does about a bad rank of hers? Grow the hell up not everyone happens to hate this house like you do. KD is a fine house.
By: Panhel lovePosted:

I Can never understand why a girl gets more bent out of shape about a good rank on another sorority than she does about a bad rank of hers? Grow the hell up not everyone happens to hate this house like you do. KD is a fine house.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 4.8 Very sweet girls, very active in a lot of organizations at KU. Friendly to everyone which is a big plus. All around top house with a high percentage of really hot girls.
By: PanhelPosted:

Very sweet girls, very active in a lot of organizations at KU. Friendly to everyone which is a big plus. All around top house with a high percentage of really hot girls.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 5.0 Ya come to greek rank, make some s,hitty comment about KD in the discussion section and come to this section and give them a bad rank all at the exact same time? And you're not trying to stir up s,hit? Grow the hell up seriously everyone knows what you're doing! Super mean and untrue everyone knows you have a grudge against the pledge class. Everyone knows this is a joke because the pledge class are some of the nicest, cutest, funnest girls around. Why are you so obsessed with them?
By: ObviousPosted:

Ya come to greek rank, make some s,hitty comment about KD in the discussion section and come to this section and give them a bad rank all at the exact same time? And you're not trying to stir up s,hit? Grow the hell up seriously everyone knows what you're doing! Super mean and untrue everyone knows you have a grudge against the pledge class. Everyone knows this is a joke because the pledge class are some of the nicest, cutest, funnest girls around. Why are you so obsessed with them?

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 4.4 I think it's sad when certain girls get more upset with another house's high ranks then they do with their own low ranks. Like, why do you care so much? Chill out go have a beer worry about yourself. KD is a great house and it doesn't bother me at all
By: worry bout your ownPosted:

I think it's sad when certain girls get more upset with another house's high ranks then they do with their own low ranks. Like, why do you care so much? Chill out go have a beer worry about yourself. KD is a great house and it doesn't bother me at all

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 2.8 They're just middle. Not bad, not good. Just there.
By: nobodyknowsPosted:

They're just middle. Not bad, not good. Just there.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of Kansas - KU 4.8 They have a very strong sisterhood. Really supportive of each other. The girls are genuinely friendly and that is what I've noticed most about this house. Classy girls and really concerned with KU and boosting Greek life.
By: KU girlPosted:

They have a very strong sisterhood. Really supportive of each other. The girls are genuinely friendly and that is what I've noticed most about this house. Classy girls and really concerned with KU and boosting Greek life.

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