
sorority comments

by: GR Administrator

Virginia Tech University - VTU General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
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Page 54 of 59
#531  by: T Dear How it Is,   

Case in point...no class. And did KD not say #! recruiters in the country. Those stats were EASY to find and that honor belongs to South Carolina. Classy girls don't lie nor speaks to others like the poster below.

By: T Dear How it Is,
#532  by: Just for the record,   

Dear How it is is an APhi NOT a KD. KD has too much class to talk like that.

By: Just for the record,
#533  by: I don't   

care if it's KD or APhi. BOTH houses need to work on the classy image they once had. Their older girls are amazing, but some of their younger girls have ruined their reputations. I still think DDD and ZTA have more class than both of them and should be ranked above them. You can't live in the past, ladies.

By: I don't
#534  by: You VT people   

are freaks. I am not a student at Va Tech, just trolling through

By: You VT people
#535  by: Just Saying   

t's sad when this site goes either all 5s (self ranking) or all 1s (haters). Give them credit where credit is due and stop messing up this site with crap ratings.

By: Just Saying
#536  by: TO PNMS   

Much of this is false but a LOT is right on. For example, when people say KD is catty, it's pretty much true. Look at this recent post from a KD written on ZTA's wall :"yall may not be the worst sorority but by no means are yall top tier. i have met more fake and rude girls at this sorority than any other sorority on campus. and please stop saying that yall are on the same level as KD, its pathetic." Comments like this are reflective of KD's arrogant attitude and their lack of class and character. They continually post false data about themselves and bash other houses to make themselves look better...that's the truth!

#537  by: @to PNMs   

This website is hilarious and sad all at the same time! I'm greek at Virginia Tech and I like to say nice things about each house. Most of the posts below and the rankings are very immature and pretty funny actually. Anyone who reads this stuff and chooses to support these ideas and believes any of it are pretty naive and into drama. The majority of sorority girls at Tech are nice and smart with great reputations! I love my own sorority but i can also love my friends in other sororities. Everyone just needs to support GREEK LIFE and stop hating on each other. People only hate cause they are jealous -- especially to the person who hates on Kappa Delta so much...you are boring and very redundant!

By: @to PNMs
#538  by: Clap   

clap....KD....take your own advice and quit bashing....you are so sickeningly fake.

By: Clap
#539  by: APHI and KD,   

Your bashing is truly pathetic. Grow up, why don't you.

By: APHI and KD,
#540  by: They're just   

jealous!!!!! At least they bash everyone equally...HAHA!

By: They're just

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