
sorority comments


Virginia Tech University - VTU General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 5 of 59

Yeah thats real awesome that you went to Penn State but who cares. Does GDS have anything to do with you? Hmm no, so why dont you give them a break. You make NPC sororities look REAL awesome by bashing anyone else that isnt, they arent hurting anyone and maybe people actually want to be in a local sorority.

By: LionHatr

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i hope pnms understand that they should join the sorority that they feel most comfortable with, and not pay attention to these "rankings" that don't show which sorority is the "best" on campus- each chapter has something to unique to offer.

By: Ok

You VT people certainly rank on this site alot -- bit if an inferiority complex. People with real class know their place in society -- they don't continually have to rip others apart to prove their real place in society. I would say you all are all inferior.

By: brit

nah not really, actually VT was on the old greekrank so more people at VT know about it. if you want to see a lot of rankings go to bama or fsu or something, you moron

By: re: brit

LionHatr must be a GDS. If GDS didn't stop bringing up their name so much and stirring trouble no one would even know they are on this campus because no one really cares. And if these little girls can't learn to take criticize just like the real sororities do then they'll fold within a year.

By: re:LionHatr

They are inferior too.

By: brit

The rankings CHANGE SO MUCH EVERYDAY. This is in no way a real representation of the sororities at Tech. Obviously idiots come on here and skew the rankings to put people up or down. So stupid!

By: This is so fake

Is GDS even anywhere else besides VT and Lycome (sp?) college? Is there a chapter at Penn? Who cares about this little club anyway?

By: Curious

these rankings are really ridiculous- in no way do the represent the chapters here at tech.

By: Word

If I could rank them by which sorority I would like most to join, it would go like this:
I would probably drop out of recruitment if I didn't get one of these...

By: Hokie

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