
sorority comments


Virginia Tech University - VTU General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 22 of 59

Greek Rank removed all rankings with all 1's and all 5's. Let's see if that gets people ranking more fairly.

By: Wow

Life as a sorority sister is fantastic. Too bad many girls don't understand that we need different types of sororities for different girls. The world is made up of many people. There are many different schools, sororities, jobs, lives. One is not better than the other. It is an immature mind that thinks everyone should be the same. Unfortunately, there are too many shallow and mean people in this world. We have a choice to make our lives and others' better. It is up to you. What will you decide?

By: Fun

The self proclaimed "top tier" sororities are freaking out over the new rankings and are bashing the other sororities in earnest to regain their "top tier" status. Just proves how shallow they are.

By: VT

observed the same thing except to be fair it does not look like DG had jumped on the bandwagon yet. Why can't everyone just be happy with their own house. There are GREAT girls in all of the houses!

By: I just

Sigma Kappa!

By: Or

DG are the queens of bashing the sororities. Way to try to divert the attention. How ridiculous!

By: Really

have got to be kidding me...and they bash themselves while they're at it...HAHA! Your comment is ridiculous!

By: You

you look...Sigma Kappa and Alpha Chi were the only ones not bashed last evening...mmm.

By: If

everyone thought PiPhi were the bashers. Alpha Chi is the only one with straight 5's and all the other houses completely negative. I think they said semi nice things to Sigma Kappa only so people wouldn't notice, but looks like a few of us did!

By: And

I noticed too...HAHA...and really their comments are just plain rude to everybody!

By: Oh

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