Pi Kappa Phi - ΠΚΦ Fraternity Ratings at UCB

Pi Kappa Phi - ΠΚΦ Fraternity at University of Colorado Boulder - UCB 276 3.18
  • Total Ratings: 276
  • Overall Average:63.6%



  • Reputation:Smart
  • Friendliness:66.2%
  • Popularity:69.4%
  • Classiness:59.6%
  • Involvement:60.6%
  • Social Life:66.6%
  • Brotherhood:62.8%
  • 276 Ratings
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Pi Kappa Phi - ΠΚΦ Fraternity at University of Colorado Boulder - UCB 2.5 Honest review: They throw good darties but that's about it. IMO the only reason people know what Pi Kapp is is because of the clout they had when they used to live in Phi Tau's house. The pledge classes are getting smaller, decent older guys but tons of arrogant young dudes. I never hear about them doing anything besides an occasional tail gate and I swear I've never seen a brother with their letters on campus. Again this house is only relevant and "ranked high" because of what it used to be, not what it is now.
By: realPosted:

Honest review: They throw good darties but that's about it. IMO the only reason people know what Pi Kapp is is because of the clout they had when they used to live in Phi Tau's house. The pledge classes are getting smaller, decent older guys but tons of arrogant young dudes. I never hear about them doing anything besides an occasional tail gate and I swear I've never seen a brother with their letters on campus. Again this house is only relevant and "ranked high" because of what it used to be, not what it is now.

  • Reputation: Social
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Pi Kappa Phi - ΠΚΦ Fraternity at University of Colorado Boulder - UCB 1.0 Boys need to stop self ranking your fraternity you have been on the decline for years also kinda sus
By: ThPosted:

Boys need to stop self ranking your fraternity you have been on the decline for years also kinda sus

  • Reputation: Wealthy
  • Friendliness:
  • Popularity:
  • Classiness:
  • Involvement:
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Pi Kappa Phi - ΠΚΦ Fraternity at University of Colorado Boulder - UCB 4.2 Bunch of guys who rly look like they enjoy themselves. Throw some crazy tailgates but that’s about it. Their date dashes are a lot of fun. But partying with these guys although kinda rare it’s always a great time
By: BoulderPosted:

Bunch of guys who rly look like they enjoy themselves. Throw some crazy tailgates but that’s about it. Their date dashes are a lot of fun. But partying with these guys although kinda rare it’s always a great time

Associates with:
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity

  • Reputation: Social
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Pi Kappa Phi - ΠΚΦ Fraternity at University of Colorado Boulder - UCB 1.0 Self ranking self ranking self ranking self ranking self ranking self ranking self ranking that’s why you get a 1.0
By: Hiss hissPosted:

Self ranking self ranking self ranking self ranking self ranking self ranking self ranking that’s why you get a 1.0

  • Reputation: Wealthy
  • Friendliness:
  • Popularity:
  • Classiness:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Life:
  • Brotherhood:
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Pi Kappa Phi - ΠΚΦ Fraternity at University of Colorado Boulder - UCB 2.5 Some cool guys but a lot of douches bringing the house down. They got a nice house for darties. Still not very classy to a lot of residents off of university. Saw some new PC members trashing on random apartment residents as they were going home. Not a good look.
By: midPosted:

Some cool guys but a lot of douches bringing the house down. They got a nice house for darties. Still not very classy to a lot of residents off of university. Saw some new PC members trashing on random apartment residents as they were going home. Not a good look.

  • Reputation: Social
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Pi Kappa Phi - ΠΚΦ Fraternity at University of Colorado Boulder - UCB 1.0 Chill with the self ranks boys anyone that isn’t an ego freak or in a “top house” wouldn’t be writing fake reviews
By: Self rankPosted:

Chill with the self ranks boys anyone that isn’t an ego freak or in a “top house” wouldn’t be writing fake reviews

  • Reputation: Social
  • Friendliness:
  • Popularity:
  • Classiness:
  • Involvement:
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Pi Kappa Phi - ΠΚΦ Fraternity at University of Colorado Boulder - UCB 1.0 God damn boys could you make the self ranks any more obvious? Lmao your pledges could at least try to hide it
By: MIDPosted:

God damn boys could you make the self ranks any more obvious? Lmao your pledges could at least try to hide it

  • Reputation: Social
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  • Involvement:
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Pi Kappa Phi - ΠΚΦ Fraternity at University of Colorado Boulder - UCB 4.5 Dudhdhdjududusudufudusj jsjdjfjdjdjjdusususudud uruduueyeuwufududDjdjdj djjdhdjdudufudusjjsjdjf jdjdjduhsususududuruudu dududusuusuudufudydydyy dydydydydydydyydydydydy eyeyeydydyydydydydydydy ydydydydydydydydyydydyd yd
By: SjdjfjfjdiieiwjdhfjskiaieurPosted:

Dudhdhdjududusudufudusj jsjdjfjdjdjjdusususudud uruduueyeuwufududDjdjdj djjdhdjdudufudusjjsjdjf jdjdjduhsususududuruudu dududusuusuudufudydydyy dydydydydydydyydydydydy eyeyeydydyydydydydydydy ydydydydydydydydyydydyd yd

Associates with:
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity
Delta Gamma Sorority

  • Reputation: Looks
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Pi Kappa Phi - ΠΚΦ Fraternity at University of Colorado Boulder - UCB 3.0 Definitely not top 5 but these boys know how to throw when it counts but other than that they got a mid house but nice yard for dartys
By: Delta tau chi brother1978Posted:

Definitely not top 5 but these boys know how to throw when it counts but other than that they got a mid house but nice yard for dartys

  • Reputation: Social
  • Friendliness:
  • Popularity:
  • Classiness:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Life:
  • Brotherhood:
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Pi Kappa Phi - ΠΚΦ Fraternity at University of Colorado Boulder - UCB 3.2 Honestly think of these guys like k sig. They were really good when I was a freshmen, but the future is just uncertain. Able to throw pretty well and there's a balance of some good brothers but also genuinely terrible ones. Fun place to be, but their brotherhood could def use some work. Some of the new kids are just straight up creepy - completely the opposite for the seniors at this chapter. The class sizes have also gotten smaller and them being so far North on the hill doesn't help either.
By: futurePosted:

Honestly think of these guys like k sig. They were really good when I was a freshmen, but the future is just uncertain. Able to throw pretty well and there's a balance of some good brothers but also genuinely terrible ones. Fun place to be, but their brotherhood could def use some work. Some of the new kids are just straight up creepy - completely the opposite for the seniors at this chapter. The class sizes have also gotten smaller and them being so far North on the hill doesn't help either.

  • Reputation: Social
  • Friendliness:
  • Popularity:
  • Classiness:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Life:
  • Brotherhood:
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