Alpha Sigma Phi - ΑΣΦ Fraternity Ratings at UM

Alpha Sigma Phi - ΑΣΦ Fraternity at University of Miami - UM 172 3.17
  • Total Ratings: 172
  • Overall Average:63.4%


  • Fraternity Name: Alpha Sigma Phi - Information Page
  • School: University of Miami - UM
  • Associates with:
    - Fraternities:  Beta Theta Pi, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Zeta Beta Tau
    - Sororities:  Alpha Delta Pi, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sigma Delta Tau
  •   Rate this Fraternity


  • Reputation:Smart
  • Friendliness:79.4%
  • Popularity:53.4%
  • Classiness:64%
  • Involvement:65.2%
  • Social Life:64.4%
  • Brotherhood:69%
  • 172 Ratings
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Alpha Sigma Phi - ΑΣΦ Fraternity at University of Miami - UM 2.0 You are only as good as your weakest link and alpha sig has some pretty weak links
By: typicalUMstudentPosted:

You are only as good as your weakest link and alpha sig has some pretty weak links

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Alpha Sigma Phi - ΑΣΦ Fraternity at University of Miami - UM 3.4 i love the alpha sig guys. they are always sweet and welcoming, and they seem to have a really strong brotherhood. are they top tier? no. but they're really fun, the new house is awesome, and there's no other frat i'd rather party with. i'd say alpha sig is moving up! keep it up boys
By: sororityPosted:

i love the alpha sig guys. they are always sweet and welcoming, and they seem to have a really strong brotherhood. are they top tier? no. but they're really fun, the new house is awesome, and there's no other frat i'd rather party with. i'd say alpha sig is moving up! keep it up boys

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Alpha Sigma Phi - ΑΣΦ Fraternity at University of Miami - UM 1.0 having a house doesn't change anything-you all are still at the very bottom of the totem poll
By: losersPosted:

having a house doesn't change anything-you all are still at the very bottom of the totem poll

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Alpha Sigma Phi - ΑΣΦ Fraternity at University of Miami - UM 1.0 stop posting and patrolling on this site
By: you nerdPosted:

stop posting and patrolling on this site

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Alpha Sigma Phi - ΑΣΦ Fraternity at University of Miami - UM 3.6 Honest assessment. No, not top tier. Not bottom either. Biggest mix of guys of any frat. They need to learn to hide the weirdos and they will be A+.
By: TruthPosted:

Honest assessment. No, not top tier. Not bottom either. Biggest mix of guys of any frat. They need to learn to hide the weirdos and they will be A+.

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Alpha Sigma Phi - ΑΣΦ Fraternity at University of Miami - UM 4.4 Always going to hear guys in other frats talking crap about them, but clearly they don't know them. My friends and I love going to their parties, we always have an awesome time, and some really cute guys too :)! Love you boys!!
By: NickiPosted:

Always going to hear guys in other frats talking crap about them, but clearly they don't know them. My friends and I love going to their parties, we always have an awesome time, and some really cute guys too :)! Love you boys!!

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Alpha Sigma Phi - ΑΣΦ Fraternity at University of Miami - UM 4.0 Awesome guys! Not going to lie, they have different groups, some cool guys and some not so chill. Im most likely rushing them in the fall as a junior. I didn't rush them for obvious reasons but I have good friends in alphasig and i see them really doing great things. My brother is also starting UM in the fall and will be joining greek in the spring so going to be convincing him to rush alphasig.
By: RespectedPosted:

Awesome guys! Not going to lie, they have different groups, some cool guys and some not so chill. Im most likely rushing them in the fall as a junior. I didn't rush them for obvious reasons but I have good friends in alphasig and i see them really doing great things. My brother is also starting UM in the fall and will be joining greek in the spring so going to be convincing him to rush alphasig.

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Alpha Sigma Phi - ΑΣΦ Fraternity at University of Miami - UM 4.0 Solid mid tier and climbing fast. We had a mixer with them last semester and the guys were a lot of fun, chill, and really diverse. Don't expect to find a "frat guy" at Alphasig. I recommend anyone considering Greek life at UM to check them out.
By: kelseyPosted:

Solid mid tier and climbing fast. We had a mixer with them last semester and the guys were a lot of fun, chill, and really diverse. Don't expect to find a "frat guy" at Alphasig. I recommend anyone considering Greek life at UM to check them out.

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Alpha Sigma Phi - ΑΣΦ Fraternity at University of Miami - UM 4.0 I'm not going to lie, my best friend is in alphasig, and I sometimes regret not rushing, but I'm premed and really don't have time for Greek life. My brother is coming to UM in the Fall and I will definitely make sure he checks out alphasig. Tier wise they are more respected than phidelt and beta semester in my opinion.
By: FriendPosted:

I'm not going to lie, my best friend is in alphasig, and I sometimes regret not rushing, but I'm premed and really don't have time for Greek life. My brother is coming to UM in the Fall and I will definitely make sure he checks out alphasig. Tier wise they are more respected than phidelt and beta semester in my opinion.

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Alpha Sigma Phi - ΑΣΦ Fraternity at University of Miami - UM 4.2 Honestly one of the best group of guys I have gotten to know on campus. My roommate in sigep is always talking crap about alphasig, but it honestly sounds like he's intimidated by alphasig. They are doing things right and other frats are noticing and hating on them. I'm personally considering them for the fall if they keep up the good work.
By: fairPosted:

Honestly one of the best group of guys I have gotten to know on campus. My roommate in sigep is always talking crap about alphasig, but it honestly sounds like he's intimidated by alphasig. They are doing things right and other frats are noticing and hating on them. I'm personally considering them for the fall if they keep up the good work.

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