
rec letters for sorority rush


My daughter has been told that a letter of recommendation is needed for each sorority on campus. She will have no chance of getting into a sorority that does not receive a letter of rec written by someon in the sorority (or an alum of the sorority) for her. Is this true? And if so, how do incoming Freshman who know no one before day one obtain these letters?

Posted By: find_info
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Not having a rec letter on file does NOT guarantee your daughter WON'T receive a bid. With that said, do your best to get recs for as many sororities as possible. Ask ladies you go to church with, work with, neighbors, etc...if they were in a sorority in college. These ladies will understand why you are asking and most will be more than happy to help. Contact your local panhellenic group...if there is one in your area. Unfortunately, if your daughter does not have a rec for a sorority it makes for an easy cut in a competitive recruitment like Auburn.

By: Rec letters
by: find_info   

Thanks for the info. Sounds like we will really have to start an all out search for women from various sororities.

By: find_info
by: find_info   

Can letters come from actives at other universities or must they be from graduates?

By: find_info

Each sorority has their own specific rules regarding in active members writing recs. The rec writers will know.

By: Sororities

Active members

By: @Sororities

On most of the sorority web pages if you click on recruitment it will lead you to an email address. You can ask the pres or other recruitment officer for help finding an alum of that sorority. If you are on facebook put out a message asking if friends were in a sorority. You'd be surprised. I stopped a girl in a grocery store parking lot before. She gave me all her info and wrote me a rec.

By: more info...

Do Not contact a current officer for help with recs! Bad advice! I'm sure the officer will be gracious, but I would stay with people you know. Friends of freinds, neighbors, co- workers, church members. Contact a local panhellenic organization.

By: Seriously?



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