
auburn best fraternity’s as of 2018

by: Non-Biased Facts

Top Tier: Theta Chi, Sigma Nu, KA, Fiji
Middle Tier: ATO, Lambda Chi, Pi Kap, Beta

Best Social Scene: Theta Chi and Sigma Nu
Best Tradition: KA and Fiji
Rankings of 2018 by reputation:
1-Theta Chi 4-Fiji
2-Sigma Nu. 5-ATO
3- KA
Fraternities in “trouble”: Pike, Lambda Chi, Sigma Nu, KA, AGR
“Wealthy” Fraternities: KA, Fiji, Theta Chi, Sigma Nu
“Southern” Fraternities: KA and Theta Chi
“Preppy” Fraternities: ATO, Beta, and Fiji
Wilder Fraternities: Sigma Nu
Best involvement: Fiji and ATO (KA and Theta Chi are improving)

Posted By: Non-Biased Facts
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#1  by: F ATO   

ATO is not top 5 and barely makes top 10. Lambda chi is not in trouble, not sure about KA.

by: Lambda Chi SororityMay 15, 2018 7:29:31 PM

Lambda bidded like 67 kids this year, they’re the last chance U of rushees lol

By: Lambda Chi Sorority
#2  by: What    

Fiji is one of the youngest fraternities on this list they don't have great tradition. Add FH, Pike, and Sigma Pi to to middle tier

By: What
#3  by: Barry   

You forgot SAE

By: Barry
by: .May 15, 2018 7:38:54 AM

SAE is still kicked off. Do you even go to Auburn?

By: .
#4  by: Ya no   

ATO in the top 5??? No. Lambda Chi, Beta, or maybe even Pi Kapp could make an argument for that spot, but not ATO lol

By: Ya no
#5  by: Weak   

Lol at ATO at number 5. Everyone on campus knows that’s either Lambda Chi or Beta.

By: Weak

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