
recruitment '17

by: Aubie

So....what's everyone think about recruitment so far?

Posted By: Aubie
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Page 3 of 3
#21  by: SIP   

Lust=list. Thanks autocorrect, lol!

#22  by: to so sad   

Please, such your heart, mind and faith. You seem to be putting too much stock into what a guy thinks! Have faith that the special guy is out there for you and will appear when you are your total best self. Sometimes that can take a while. Take care of what God has given you: body, mind and heart. This is a time to make friends and learn to be your best! Best wishes!

By: to so sad
#23  by: Just observing...   

Two quick comments...
RFM is not perfect but it is a VAST improvement over the old system. it places many more girls and helps weaker recruiting chapters grow and improve. The poster LeeLee above who told her Mom's story about popular chapters stringing girls along back in the day is 100% spot on.

Instate girls have the advantage of knowing more girls in chapters but can also be at a disadvantage if they are from a high school that that sends a lot of girls to the same recruitment. Most chapters aren't going to take 20 girls from XYZ high, so those instate girls have to compete for spots with their HS classmates. Many chapters are also looking for a few outstanding out of state girls to add to their mix, so being out of state can actually be an advantage in a big recruitment.

By: Just observing...
by: LegacyAug 20, 2017 9:14:49 AM

I would like to add that sometimes being a legacy is kinda tricky, too. Some chapters drop girls assuming they will go their legacy when the PNM is trying to find her own place, not her moms or her sisters. That happened to a couple of my friends last year (assumption here) because they were cut heavily after philanthropy round except for their legacy chapter and a couple other chapters. And to be honest, I was relieved that my legacy chapter dropped me after philanthropy because I just would not have fit in there (and it's considered a high middle chapter around here). For the most part, the process works!

By: Legacy
by: AgreeAug 20, 2017 10:05:52 AM

RFM is a MAJOR improvement over the way recruitment was done years ago. The old way allowed chapters to keep girls all the way up to pref, then drop them. Because the girls had dropped all of the other houses earlier in the week, they had no where to go. With RFM, the playing field has leveled and now all of the sororities at Auburn are great. To be invited to join any of them is an honor.

By: Agree
#24  by: Dang   

I came here to find out how recruitment has gone. Feel like I am back on the Mississippi State page. This was our second year to do variable quota where the cuts are more brutal than normal! Variable quota bases quota on the number of members in each chapter. So the largest chapters are allowed fewer bids. Ex. Chi O is the largest chapter and could only give 73 bids. ADPi is the smallest and extended 104 bids. Does Auburn use variable quota or is this normal frustration?

By: Dang
by: ^Aug 20, 2017 12:01:30 PM

No, not variable quota, just regular RFM. We added a sorority last year so RFM cuts were a little more deep this year and 3rd round to pref goes from 8 to 2 houses which is a bit steep too but it's not a bad system. I just think it's a lot of moms who are upset. The alums don't understand that this is not the same rush they were used to and a lot of others think that their daughters should get what they want and don't understand the concept that the houses do the choosing not the PNM's.

By: ^
by: WhatAug 20, 2017 9:11:18 PM

ADPi is the smallest? Did they have a lot of girls drop through the years or graduate early?
Also, KD had 77 pledges
What were the other numbers - what was quota and were there quota additions with this system?

By: What
by: ^Aug 20, 2017 9:28:29 PM

@Dang is talking about Mississippi State, not Auburn. ADPi there is new so they are smallest and allowed to give more bids because MState uses variable quota. Yes, there are quota additions under that system. If you want to know more go to the MState page. This thread is getting way too long.

By: ^

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