recruitment '17
by: Aubie#11by: Parent
I have been told that if your daughter is not extended a bid, their Pi Chi will be notified so that they can notify the PNM ahead of time so as to not go to the bid opening ceremony. Does anyone know the deadline for this communication? Just wondering if no news so far assumes she is likely to get a bid.
#12by: Parent
I have been told that if your daughter is not extended a bid, their Pi Chi will be notified so that they can notify the PNM ahead of time so as to not go to the bid opening ceremony. Does anyone know the deadline for this communication? Just wondering if no news so far assumes she is likely to get a bid.
#13by: Bhmmom
My daughter got a call this morning at 650am from her Pi Chi letting her know that she had been dropped. Last night she was told that it looked like she was safe so she really got her hopes up. Her grades were good, had lots of volunteer/service, had friends in lots of the sororities, and is very attractive, and is from instate. So we really don't know what she could have done better. Also, she wasn't just considering the most popular sororities. She went in with an open mind and didn't have her heart set on a particular one.
#15by: leelee
Panhellenic gives each chapter a range of pnms to release each round based on historical return rates - i.e., if 95% of pnms rank ABC as a "1" then they will need to release more pnms than XYZ where only 85% of pnms rank them #1 if they are both supposed to have equal party sizes for the next round.
The goal is to have each chapter have enough girls returning each round that they will all make their quota.
I copied this from a post at Arkansas. Hopefully it helps some people understand.
#16by: Flawed
The system is seriously flawed. I think to make things interesting,
The sororities should all have to take a 50-50 breakdown from in state and out of state. Out of state girls are at a serious disadvantage because many are entering not having friends in a house.
If they go to two houses, one they love or like and one they have no connection, why should they rank hose the no connection. Many girls don't want it that bad. Panhellenic is trying to force girls in sororities just to say they are greek. Everyone knows that's not what it is all about. It's about bring with friends and people you like.
#17by: Adulting 101
Unfortunately, going through rush is the first time for many of these young ladies to have to experience the reality that life is tough . As an adult they will not have things go their way and/or their parents will not be able to aid them to make it happen. All the sororities at Auburn are filled with all kinds of girls and just because the 4-5 that your daughter met during the parties at a specific sorority did not "connect" doesn't mean that that particular house was a bad option. The sorority girls had a long 2 weeks of not much sleep, eating poorly,giving up time to get ready for classes, etc. in order to make ALL the PNM's feel welcome, it is a matter of learning to be appreciative and gracious,and looking at the positive instead of focusing on those things that are out of your control. Sounds a lot like a first lesson in the progression towards adulthood! Only a very insignificant percentage of girls drop their sorority after getting their bid (even if it wasn't the "favorite" one or where they "felt at home"), everything in life takes time and patience, this is how long lasting relationships are formed. My wishes are the best for all your daughters and if not in Greek life in one of the many hundred organizations that are part of what makes Auburn loved by so many of us! War Eagle!!!
#18by: Mom
#20by: SIP
Back to SIP. It's a huge gamble. It's like playing blackjack with a first draw total of 10 and you decide to stick( list only the acceptable sorority on bid card) instead of taking another draw.(list "undesired" sorority as well). Statistically it's a bad decision to stay with your first draw when your goal is to make it to 21( Become a member of Auburn Greek life) ) and it rarely works out that the player (PNM) that makes that decision wins the hand( gets her SIP bid), just as it did happen for your daughters. In this case, they are the rule, not the exception.
Look at it this way, if you SIP, there is a 50/50 chance that you WILL NOT get a bid. If you attend 2pref parties and lust both groups, there is a 100% chance you will receive a bid. Which odds are better?
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by: In state mom
My daughter also got a call around 7 this bid. She is also in state, had a great resume with lots of rec, etc. She felt a little rejected, but is ready to move on. She may or may not do COB. There are so many ways to get involved at Auburn.