
recruitment '17


So....what's everyone think about recruitment so far?

Posted By: Aubie
Page 2 of 3

I have been told that if your daughter is not extended a bid, their Pi Chi will be notified so that they can notify the PNM ahead of time so as to not go to the bid opening ceremony. Does anyone know the deadline for this communication? Just wondering if no news so far assumes she is likely to get a bid.

By: Parent

I have been told that if your daughter is not extended a bid, their Pi Chi will be notified so that they can notify the PNM ahead of time so as to not go to the bid opening ceremony. Does anyone know the deadline for this communication? Just wondering if no news so far assumes she is likely to get a bid.

By: Parent

My daughter got a call this morning at 650am from her Pi Chi letting her know that she had been dropped. Last night she was told that it looked like she was safe so she really got her hopes up. Her grades were good, had lots of volunteer/service, had friends in lots of the sororities, and is very attractive, and is from instate. So we really don't know what she could have done better. Also, she wasn't just considering the most popular sororities. She went in with an open mind and didn't have her heart set on a particular one.

By: Bhmmom
by: In state mom   

My daughter also got a call around 7 this morning...no bid. She is also in state, had a great resume with lots of rec, etc. She felt a little rejected, but is ready to move on. She may or may not do COB. There are so many ways to get involved at Auburn.

By: In state mom
by: Parent   

Sorry to hear. You are right, so many ways to have a terrific college experience. After all, they are at Auburn.... pretty awesome regardless. Good luck to her.

By: Parent
by: Reality   

Sorry to hear this, but this is what happens when PNM's do not maximize their options. This is a consequence of SIP; no bid.

By: Reality
by: Not true   

Your daughters got dropped because they didn't maximize their options by listing all the sororities they attended preference for on their bid card. No sympathy here. They weren't high enough on the sorority they suicided for's bid list. This is clearly communicated multiple times in the process. Your entitled daughters were sure they measured up when they didn't. Let this be a life lesson for all of you.

No one is ever told they are "safe" if they refuse to maximize their options. Your daughter just heard what she wanted to hear.

By: Not true

SIP? Please define

By: Parent
by: Suicide   

SIP is single intentional preference. It is when you don't list all the houses that you pref on your card. If you only list one house, and you are not high enough on their bid list, no bid for you. If you list both houses, you are guaranteed to get a bid - this is what is meant by maximizing your options.

By: Suicide
by: wait-   

The girls were NOT guaranteeed a bid this year.

By: wait-
by: Reality   

SIP = Single Intentional Preference, otherwise known as Suiciding. PNM's who attend pref round are guaranteed a bid if they rank each house they attended on their MRABA card. PNM's who attend two prefs but only put one house down are saying that they will accept a bid from that one house or none at all. This will leave a PNM without a bid to any house for two reasons: if their one preferred house reaches quota before they get to her name she will obviously not get a bid, and also not ranking each house will make her ineligible to be a Quota Addition to either house. Quota Additions guarantee a bid to either house for PNM's who ranked both houses on their card but failed to match to either house. The PNM is guaranteed a bid for Maximizing Her Options, so she is then matched with one of her pref houses even though this puts the house over Quota. Usually she is matched to her first choice preference house, but could also be matched to her second choice based on relative chapter sizes. So SIP, or Suiciding, is very limiting and most often does not work out for the PNM.

By: Reality
by: What?   

My understanding is that if you get to pref and have two parties you will be offered a bid from one of those houses. i feel this new systems hurts pnms and the sororities. 😡

By: What?
by: ^   

The PNM must rank all houses where she attended pref to be guaranteed a bid. This is from NPC. What is 'new'?

By: ^
by: leelee   


This is not a new system. RFM has been being used for years. The only girls it really affects are the ones who only want the "top" sororities.

Newsflash: if you give all the sororities a chance, every sorority would be a top sorority.

Double Newsflash: All the sororities here are great. They all have socials, leadership positions, campus leaders, etc. It's just girls who are "I'd rather be gdi than join...." that screw up the system.

By: leelee
by: What?   


My apologies for using the word new. I have just never heard of so many girls being dropped so much on pref or bid day. And these are great girls who did maximize their options (those dropped on pref) and gave every sorority a chance.

Oh and news flash to you, I believe all sororities at Aubun are great and I hate how certain ones feel the need to rank and put them in tiers. Those people need to grow up and remember that high school is over!

And second news flash to you, I'm in what they would call a top sorority around here.

By: What?
by: ^   

Girls who maximized their options on their MRABA card were not dropped. Girls who suicided or who voluntarily dropped are the ones going bidless. If you have any evidence to the contrary then report it. Otherwise you are just shooting off your mouth.

By: ^
by: actually...   

The girls (and their parents) in all the information they were told/given were told that even if you put both sororities down that you preffed that you were not guaranteed a bid. They were told that historically 90% of the girls got either their first or second choice so they did away with the 3rd pref party. To which the parents were all saying well what about that 10% that would get their 3rd choice as opposed to nothing???

By: actually...
by: Reality   

"All women who maximized their options in recruitment and attended all recruitment events during the process and are not matched
in the bid matching process are placed as quota additions." This is national NPC rule for RFM and includes transitioning from 3 prefs to 2. PNM's who accepted all invitations during recruitment throughout the week and ranked each house every time (did not 'drop' a house all week) and attended at least one pref are guaranteed bids. Violation of national NPC rules if this doesn't happen.

By: Reality
by: leelee   


I don't know why so many are getting dropped on pref day, but the ones without bids are because of SIP.

RFM has helped the system. My mom and aunts have told me lots of stories about how before RFM the larger sororities would continue to invited more girls than they could give bids too, just so everyone would see how many girls were attending their pref parties.

The smaller sororities would have half-empty pref parties and then the pnms wouldn't want to join because they saw empty rooms and thought the chapter was going to close.

So, you have girls getting led on by a sorority that was never going to bid them and girls refusing to join a sorority because they thought no one else was going to join them. RFM has helped level the playing field.

And, I know I'm coming off as a beyotch in my messages. This all started with people blaming JM and a new sorority. Auburn is better than this.

FWIW, I'm in what is considered a middle house and happy about it.

By: leelee
by: Not true   

@wait and @what

PNMs were most certainly guaranteed a bid if they maximized their options and listed all their pref sororities on their bid card. Exact same standardized process we've used for years.

Your daughters did not do this. That is the ONLY way they would receive a bid if they attended at least one pref party. So either you don't understand the system and what your daughters did after preference, or your daughters are lying about maximizing their options. Plain and simple truth.

By: Not true
by: @actually   

That is 100% not true. We follow the NPC's RFM system that's been used here and across the US for many years. You're either making things up or unable to understand basic English.

By: @actually
by: What!?   

No one ever explained quota additions to my daughter or to me. If that's the case that should have been made crystal clear. My daughter preffed 2. She loved one, but really felt no connection with the other. She thought she was doing a good thing by only putting down the one she knew she wanted so that she wouldn't potentially take away a spot from someone else who really wanted the other sorority.

By: What!?

Panhellenic gives each chapter a range of pnms to release each round based on historical return rates - i.e., if 95% of pnms rank ABC as a "1" then they will need to release more pnms than XYZ where only 85% of pnms rank them #1 if they are both supposed to have equal party sizes for the next round.

The goal is to have each chapter have enough girls returning each round that they will all make their quota.

I copied this from a post at Arkansas. Hopefully it helps some people understand.

By: leelee
by: Parent   

Thank you for sharing providing clarity

By: Parent

The system is seriously flawed. I think to make things interesting,
The sororities should all have to take a 50-50 breakdown from in state and out of state. Out of state girls are at a serious disadvantage because many are entering not having friends in a house.
If they go to two houses, one they love or like and one they have no connection, why should they rank hose the no connection. Many girls don't want it that bad. Panhellenic is trying to force girls in sororities just to say they are greek. Everyone knows that's not what it is all about. It's about bring with friends and people you like.

By: Flawed
by: ^   

I know you are hurting right now because things didn't go your daughter's way, but sorority chapters are private social organizations that choose their own members. Even their national organizations do not and cannot dictate chapter membership selection. No one is owed a bid, not even legacies. Sororities are doing the choosing in this process, not the PNM's. With that said, houses MUST release girls each round. RFM rules are in place so that all chapters have a chance to thrive and the most number of girls can find a home. The current RFM system has developed over time and many, many recruiting years, and gives every girl her best chance at sorority membership. It is so much better than it used to be. These same NPC practices that apply to Auburn apply to other schools as well. Any girl who is not willing to at least give a chance to a house who wants her back will end up at not having a house.

By: ^
by: Guest   

The system is not "flawed." It works seamlessly at placing all PNMs who play by the rules and maximize their options. Your daughter thought she was too special to do this so no bid for her.

By: Guest
by: Flawed   

Sounds like I hit a nerve. I'm just an observer with an opinion as I know some young women going through recruitment. I don't have any girls and will disregard the previous and potentially new nasty sentiments headed my way.
Based on comments, many of the sorority members seemed upset by how this years recruitment went down. Maybe some new ideas could help but I'm truely not invested at all in this.

Wishing the best to all Auburn students starting this school year.

By: Flawed
by: Reality   

No, @Flawed, you have not touched a nerve with actives or alumnae or anyone who is actually knowledgeable or invested in Auburn recruitment, or NPC recruitment in general. We have been doing our recruitment for years as per NPC guidelines, and every year there are plenty of disgruntled Mommas and former PNM's who did not get what they wanted and vent their frustrations on here, an anonymous website, posing as chapter members and casting blame. You are no better, an admitted outsider with no daughters or direct understanding of a process you only think you know from greekrank. You are ridiculous.

By: Reality
by: Wow   

Wow, girls don't get the house they want so their moms and whoever else come on here and complain that there's something wrong with the system. Went bidless because they didn't follow instructions to maximize their options or felt that they were too good to give some of our other great houses a chance, houses where they were wanted and welcomed. They say it's not fair and it's the sororities' fault. Wow.

By: Wow
by: @What   

I will say what some other folks were too nice to say: Your daughter (...and you) think she was too good for her second house. Guess what? She was not "good enough" for the house where she did not get the bid. Perhaps she is not as attractive, as intelligent, or as personable as the girls who got bids at that particular house...or, perhaps, she went into pref giving off a vibe of entitlement that comes from having a mom like you who has repeatedly told her she IS better than other people. If she IS such a fabulous catch, she certainly would have contributed greatly to the house she refused to list on bid card.
If your daughter is ANYTHING like you, this situation was a win for the Auburn Greek community.

By: @What
by: FYI   

If your daughter can't find a handful of friends in chapters as large as the ones at Auburn, maybe it isn't the chapter's fault but your daughters.

by: !!!   

Anyone who says the system isn't flawed is delusional. (and probably on Panhellenic) BUT I know they do try to tweak things the best they can each year. Y'all don't be snarky to people who feel like there are flaws cause there definitely are! No matter what anyone says, yes they did make the sororites cut heavier percentages than in the past early on. Yes, there was a lower percentage rate of girls who got bids this year. We really didn't have enough people to add that 18th sorority when so many are struggling to keep numbers as it is.

By: !!!

Unfortunately, going through rush is the first time for many of these young ladies to have to experience the reality that life is tough . As an adult they will not have things go their way and/or their parents will not be able to aid them to make it happen. All the sororities at Auburn are filled with all kinds of girls and just because the 4-5 that your daughter met during the parties at a specific sorority did not "connect" doesn't mean that that particular house was a bad option. The sorority girls had a long 2 weeks of not much sleep, eating poorly,giving up time to get ready for classes, etc. in order to make ALL the PNM's feel welcome, it is a matter of learning to be appreciative and gracious,and looking at the positive instead of focusing on those things that are out of your control. Sounds a lot like a first lesson in the progression towards adulthood! Only a very insignificant percentage of girls drop their sorority after getting their bid (even if it wasn't the "favorite" one or where they "felt at home"), everything in life takes time and patience, this is how long lasting relationships are formed. My wishes are the best for all your daughters and if not in Greek life in one of the many hundred organizations that are part of what makes Auburn loved by so many of us! War Eagle!!!

By: Adulting 101

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I hope you get some sleep tonight..... Sounds like you need it. And I hope your house had a great recruitment!

By: Mom

So many tears were shed today. Undeserving girls getting in top sororities and deserving girls getting lower ones due to superficial reasons. Breaks my heart every time.

By: So sad
by: Yep   

That's just how rush is. The entire process is BS. It's superficial, and makes girls question their worth.

(This is coming from someone who was in greek life)

By: Yep
by: ^   

You poor thing, @So sad. Your heart is breaking, as it does every time? Troll. Auburn houses are all full of "top" women and those "deserving" girls you are talking about make their "lower" houses amazing. This is why there is no top and bottom; every house is great and those who got bids today are lucky to be in any one of them.

By: ^
by: So sad   

I'm not a troll and you have a good point that's made me reevaluate. All sororities are filled with great girls but I've realized that the fraternities are the problem. The sad truth is that you won't find the best fraternities like Theta Chi, Sigma Nu, Fiji, KA, or Beta giving the time of day to any girls in sororities they don't deem "top tier". The problem is that the fraternities actually aren't all great like the sororities are. With the way their rush is structured, the better frats are much more prestigious socially, have much more attractive guys, and are overall more appealing for girls. The superficial attitude of these guys outcasts the majority of Auburn's great girls and in turn drastically affects their college experience. Girls know this coming into rush and that's why there's such a sadness about getting dropped down to the "lower" sororities.

By: So sad
by: Eyes rolling   

Just because your daughter didn't get into a top tier doesn't mean she was "deserving" and others who did were "undeserving." You're a sick woman. Here's the truth: those sororities WANTED the new members they got. They DID NOT WANT your daughter. She didn't measure up to their standards. The sooner you understand this and encourage your daughter to be happy where they actually wanted her, the sooner she will adjust and the better time she will have in college. None of the sororities are below your daughter or anyone else. Accept that and move on.

By: Eyes rolling
by: So sad   

@Eyes rolling, do I sound like a mom to you? I'm a junior girl in a sorority that's just gotten sick of the process. I'm 20 years old. Goodness...

By: So sad
by: Wrong   

You are imagining that frat boys have way more importance to sororities than in real life. Our sororities are not dating services, they are sisterhoods and so much more. How insulting to say the fraternities 'outcast' sororities and their attitude "drastically affects their college experience." As if they have that kind of power! Your attitude is disgusting and shows your old age; you probably think that Auburn women are here for their MRS degrees. As far as social life, sorority women are individuals and so are the fraternity members; the good-looking, sweet, fun girls are welcomed at all parties, get asked to formals and date nights, and get all the attention they care to have regardless of their letters, and the same goes for the women's opinions of the frats. That is the way of it, not your outdated outlook. Reevaluate that. No wonder you are @So sad.

By: Wrong
by: @so sad   

It's painfully obvious you're an angry mom. A sorority member would be busy with bid day right now. GTFO mom troll! There's nothing wrong with the process. It works.

By: @so sad
by: Chill   

Okay you girls have gone off the deep end. No mom would post like that, let alone know who the Top 5 fraternities are like she does. She probably just some ticked girl that's still grudging from her own rush. I'd bet my entire life on it.

By: Chill
by: Ugh   

What a disgusting comment. Undeserving girls? Lower sororities? You're vile.

By: Ugh

Back to SIP. It's a huge gamble. It's like playing blackjack with a first draw total of 10 and you decide to stick( list only the acceptable sorority on bid card) instead of taking another draw.(list "undesired" sorority as well). Statistically it's a bad decision to stay with your first draw when your goal is to make it to 21( Become a member of Auburn Greek life) ) and it rarely works out that the player (PNM) that makes that decision wins the hand( gets her SIP bid), just as it did happen for your daughters. In this case, they are the rule, not the exception.

Look at it this way, if you SIP, there is a 50/50 chance that you WILL NOT get a bid. If you attend 2pref parties and lust both groups, there is a 100% chance you will receive a bid. Which odds are better?


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