
are we eligible to get houses now?

by: aubie's bae

I heard a rumor that the woman who had been donating money to auburn to stop us from getting sorority houses recently passed away, so we are now able to get houses. does anyone think this could be happening soon? i've also heard that some sororities are already saving up to build houses

Posted By: aubie's bae
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Page 1 of 4
#1  by: Geez   

This is BS....just an 'old wives tale'. I wish people would quit repeating it.

By: Geez
by: Thank youAug 31, 2016 4:42:21 PM

There is no old woman donating money. Never has been. Ever. This has been brought up and voted down.

Stop posting about it.

By: Thank you
#2  by: Real reason   

Sororities cannot build houses until every sorority can afford to do so because of "fairness". Auburn was about ready to do so, but then we allowed Tri Sig in, so it'll be another decade or so before sorority houses can be built.

By: Real reason
by: So...Aug 31, 2016 8:29:43 AM

...money is the issue. I had heard that before. Not enough money in the alumnae base to support houses.

By: So...
by: sororityNov 6, 2016 11:41:59 AM

Lol what does Tri Sigma have to do with this? Tri Sigma's funds comes from Tri Sigma's dues

By: sorority
by: Really??Jan 19, 2017 8:37:20 AM

Remember, it has to be voted on by your whole sorority and agreed upon before it can even be suggested and then ALL the sororities must agree on it and THEN it is put to the school board. Financial problems with alumnae have nothing to do with it, after all, why would they care when a house got built? They wouldn't live there. There has to be land that is close by and all the groups must be able to purchase a lot so that means a LOT of property the school can locate on the campus. Where would that even be? There's a lot more that has to go into this than just "I want a house." Those of you on here who want one, it would be years before all this would come together...but perhaps YOU could help finance a house after you leave and get a job.

By: Really??
by: RealzzzMar 2, 2017 1:27:57 PM

Confused about what Tri Sig has to do with this and "fairness"?? I've heard over and over it is about the lack of money here at Auburn.

By: Realzzz
by: GuestJun 26, 2017 3:58:02 PM

Huh? What is this "fairness" you're referring to? Something needs to change, here. Dorms are not sorority houses. We are the only school around without them. Seems like we are always playing catch up to other schools

By: Guest
by: smhJul 11, 2017 10:35:49 AM

Pick up a green book (manual of information for NPC) Read the sections on Housing agreements. It's an all-or-none situation. Has nothing to do with a donor. We vote based on feedback from HQ and area delegates.

By: smh
#3  by: Goodness   

there is no old woman! You can look at the history of sorority houses in the papers...not the internet false facts. It has been voted on by the sororities before and voted down. You do realize that the property around Auburn is very expensive and the University does not want the houses far away, security issues. The Greek Panhellenic Director DOES NOT DECIDE anything about the housing...that is brought up by the sororities themselves and voted on. Please go back to your own school or if this is GR...go find another school to troll.

By: Goodness
#4  by: wrong school   

If you wanted sorority houses, WHY DID YOU GO TO A SCHOOL THAT DOES NOT HAVE THEM?

By: wrong school
#5  by: Truth   

Say/believe what you like. Greek Life is in a downward spiral here at Auburn. We are falling further and further behind the rest of the SEC.

By: Truth
by: ?Aug 30, 2016 5:40:09 PM

why does it matter?

By: ?
by: Stupid Aug 31, 2016 4:40:50 PM

That does not even make sense.

By: Stupid
by: Thank youAug 31, 2016 4:43:56 PM

addressed to person from another school who stays in this site. Please go back to your own Greek wall and stop trolling here.

By: Thank you
by: lsuDec 17, 2016 2:51:57 PM

Auburn sororities dont have mansions???

By: lsu
by: MJFeb 13, 2017 7:34:30 AM

I do believe the lack of houses hurts our Greek life and impacts some girls decisions to attend Auburn. Wish we had them!

By: MJ
#6  by: Just stop    

There is no old woman who donated money.

Panhellenic voted down houses.

Please stop posting about houses. If you need a house to make yourself feel better, please transfer. Now.

By: Just stop
#7  by: for real   

I hope this happens soon! Maybe before I graduate. It would be SOOO nice to have houses instead of dorms.

By: for real
by: Truth!Sep 5, 2016 7:50:25 AM


By: Truth!
by: OMGSep 5, 2016 5:45:48 PM

Dumb as doorknobs. We've told you guys repeatedly:

1. There is no old woman who donated money to Auburn.
2. This subject was put to a vote in recent years and was VOTED DOWN BY THE SORORITIES.

Houses will not happen. Please stop posting about it.

by: sad.Sep 6, 2016 7:08:15 PM

..as it really puts us below other schools with strong Greek Life. You can deny it/not want to admit it, but it's true.

By: sad.
by: AU 18Sep 11, 2016 9:59:11 PM

Houses would be SOOO much better than our dorms!

By: AU 18
by: Aunt GinJan 19, 2017 11:42:42 AM

Oh, you want a house? Get ready for your dues to quintuple...or more. Get ready for extra rules, such as being required to eat at the house for all meals, be at the house for many functions no matter the weather or your studies. Don't want to live in the house? Too bad, we have to fill it so everybody's required to live in.
Lots more. You guys have it good.

By: Aunt Gin
#8  by: Sure    

Sure, snowflake. Sororities are getting houses now. Because it would be announced on Greek Rank before your sorority mentioned your dues were going from $1900 per year to $4000 per semester. Oh, did you miss chapter that night???

(Eye roll). #stoppostingstupidstuff

By: Sure
by: ??Sep 13, 2016 12:34:22 PM

Every other school manages with the money. Not sure of your point? Goes back to what was said in another post--there must not be the resources at Auburn to afford houses.

By: ??
by: Sure Sep 13, 2016 8:23:46 PM

The point is that if Auburn were to make the decision to go with houses rather than dorms, it would not be posted on Greek Rank first. It would be put to a vote - which happened and it was declined. Yes, all of the sororities voted it down. If in doubt, please go over to the Panhellenic office and ask about it. If houses were actually being discussed, it would be brought up in chapter meetings and a full review would be done. Feasibility studies, financial implications, etc. Greek Rank is not the source for information on houses.

By: Sure
by: Oh? Sep 15, 2016 3:16:42 PM

To stupid

You have experience is raising funds to build sorority houses? Just curious.

By: Oh?
by: @ IdiotNov 3, 2016 11:23:14 PM

Lol you think 4000 a semester is ridiculous? Go rush an Alabama sorority.... you get what u pay for!!

By: @ Idiot
by: What about Dec 21, 2016 2:57:34 PM

What about UGA? Their average out of house dues are only $1100 according to their website. I think Alabamas are just so expensive because it includes a full meal plan for everyone

By: What about
#9  by: for real   

I know the old woman story is BS, but let's work on getting some houses here. It would be so much nicer than dorms. Check with your friends at other schools and see.

By: for real
by: ^Sep 15, 2016 2:07:20 PM

If Tennessee can go from just having a shared Panhellenic building to a sorority village, surely Auburn could do it.

By: ^
by: Aunt GinJan 19, 2017 11:45:31 AM

But you don't have a single Panhellenic dorm - each sorority has a dorm with their name on it. Plus their rooms were designed to accommodate about 100 members tops, not the 200 they've grown to.

By: Aunt Gin
by: hahaMar 15, 2017 5:33:41 PM

^^^ Up to 200 members each from 100? But I thought a poster higher-up said greek life here at Auburn is in a downward spiral? ; )

By: haha
#10  by: Well...   

Having just moved into the dorms this year, I must say that I agree. Houses would be so much nicer. It does make us look bad, too.

By: Well...

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