
sorority comments


University of Florida - UF General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 107 of 144

Who cares what other people think of your chapter. Are you that insecure that you need the approval of others to feel good about yourself? Pathetic.

By: Grow Up

of course she's pathetic, she's a DG! Ha ha. Sorry, couldn't resist throwing that jab!

By: @Grow Up

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Hello? McFly? This site is ALL about what other people think. Hence, the opportunity for you, me and others to render our commentary. If you trulu don't care what people think, you shouldn't be on here. The problem is there's no way to discern who exactly is offering their opinions. Do they go to UF? Are in the Greek system? Or are they teenage girls from Ocala or 45-year old housewife alums from who knows where -- there's really no telling if all these comments are even from different people for that matter. So, you need to take what you read here with a grain of salt.

By: RE: Grow up

I agree with Grow Up. Is bashing another sorority going to make you feel better about yourself? Is it going to make you a better person? That's what makes you and this website so pathetic. Enjoy wasting your life of things that don't matter.

By: @re

I'm a fratstar in a house that spends a lot of time with both DG and ZTA and me and my bros have come to the conclusion that DGs are teases. They're hot and fun but never put out. ZTA on the other hand is also hot and at won't leave without at least giving a blowjay or two. Me like.

By: Verdict

Just to clarify, you also cannot leave without giving a "blowjay or two"?

By: re: verdict

ZTA ladies are awesome - there is always one available to party with who is down for anything... and I mean "anything." LOL

By: Verdict

Although I am considered pretty by many, I am quite insecure about my looks and my weight and whether or not I have enough of the "right" friends. So, when I see others who are awe as pretty or prettier, I feel the need to scrutinize them -- because as we all know you CAN'T be pretty, AND smart, AND athletic, AND popular -- it's just impossible! Finding fault with others makes me feel better about myself. If you haven't tried it, you should! You'll be amazed at how well it works -- better than Protac or even Lithium for that matter! (oh, and in case, you're TOTALLy clueless, the sentiments above are meant with complete and utter sarcasm!)

By: bashing

"are" not "awe" -- sorry for the typo

By: bashing

I suspect that what you are saying is true, only maybe you're really not considered be that pretty. LOL (meant with sarcasm as well)

By: @bashing

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