
pre-rush ranks by someone in greek life


as someone who is in greek life this is literally how everyone sees it

1. ADPi / KD
2. ZTA
3. Tri Delt / DG

Upper Mid:
1. AOII (could be bottom of top depending on who you’re talking to)
2. Theta
3. DZ (hot take but dz has well surpassed chi o)
4. Chi O

5. AXO / Pi Phi / DPhie
6. Kappa
7. APhi (could be bottom depending on who you’re talking to)

8. Phi Mu
9. GPhi
10. Aephi / SK

Posted By: ya
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i don’t think dz passing chi o is a very hot take tbh but this is spot on. pnms if you’re looking for a ranking this is it

By: hm
by: Dg    

Dz and chi o are average nothing hot about them

By: Dg

This is your opinion as you see it. Trust me, mine is not the same.

By: yaya

Most accurate one on here

By: Yes

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By: Yeah

Finally something accurate. But I would keep AOII in upper mid.

By: Girly

bottom tier in my opinion:

phi mu

By: my opinion
by: so is    

kappa and axo. Theybate not middle tier houses.

By: so is
by: Yea he    

Bottom tier

KAPPA (probation hurt them)

By: Yea he
by: Kkkk    

Kappa’s probation over by now?

By: Kkkk
by: Probation    

Kappa is on probation thru 2024

By: Probation

Do better

By: gogreek

Dg is top. Ddd is falling off hard. Dz is average their girls look like sk. Chi o’s are weird asf. Theta is trash. Aphi fall Pc has some knock outs, the seniors not as hot.

By: Come on
by: Dg    

DG is the single highest source of revenue for all C dealers in Gainesville

Ato and Dg sniffing all day and night

By: Dg
by: hm   

are we fr 😭 dz does not look like sk have you seen their newest pcs?! they’re recruiting many girls who also preffed top tiers -someone who is friends with dzs

By: hm

IMO. DG is the best overall great mix of girls fun very involved. KD great girls friendly good reputation fun. Adpi “they are better than everyone” Christian girl vibe, chapter awards etc . “Everyone wants to be an ADPI”. 

Ddd zeta aoii fun party girls, exclusive, frats request them to get some . Aoii more chill stoner’s not as cliquey, more free spirited, diverse. 

All the mids are a lot fun, known to be more inclusive, lots of great girls but very different vibes. Theta, many standoffish girls from jersey and Miami, they love to let loose and party. Dz, axo, aphi, pi phi, kkg very involved, social, friendly, fun. Chi O studious girl reputation, not heavy partiers but a lot of fun. 

The other srats aren’t lower tier just not top choices for PNM’s or top frats. VERY inclusive great girls, although deeph can be aloof, jappy, reputation not the friendliest. P Mu fun, studious, southern vibes. Gphi AEPHI SK good mix of girls. Gphi and Sk both have gorgeous houses.

By: Facts

Frats love AOPi and ddd

AOPi = A Open Thigh

Ddd Frat sign signal -two fingers spread open

By: UF trash

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