
Sorority Ranks Pre Rush 2024

by: Truth sorry

1. adpi, kd

Upper Mid:
1. zta, ddd, dg
2. aoii

1. xo, dz, axo, pi phi
2. aphi, deeph, phi mu, kappa

1. aephi, gphi, sk

Posted By: Truth sorry
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Page 1 of 1
#1  by: Uh    

You forgot theta. I would put them next to aopi

By: Uh
by: Forgot kao whoops Jun 13, 2024 10:58:14 PM

1. adpi, kd

Upper Mid:
1. zta, ddd, dg
2. aoii, theta

1. xo, dz, axo, pi phi
2. aphi, deeph, phi mu, kappa

1. aephi, gphi, sk

By: Forgot kao whoops
#2  by: How hard    

Is it to get a bid to ADPI or KD?

By: How hard
by: yeaJun 15, 2024 10:30:25 AM

yea if you don’t know anyone in adpi or kd. go where you’re wanted

By: yea
by: Not really Jun 19, 2024 6:00:21 AM

Both of those houses take out of state members that did not know anyone. You better be super impressive on the video to start.

By: Not really
by: Alexa Jun 19, 2024 8:38:16 PM

Really Hard. Only 160 girls will get bids to these two houses.

By: Alexa
#3  by: let's fix this   

adpi, kd

zta, ddd, dg
aoii, theta

xo, dz, kappa, axo, alpha phi
deeph, pi phi, phi mu

aephi, gphi, sk

By: let's fix this
by: hahahahahaJun 17, 2024 12:22:48 PM

kappa and alpha phi DOWN. they’re no different than phi mu

By: hahahahaha
by: nahJun 17, 2024 4:47:13 PM

pi phi is xo level be fr saying aphi is above them is WILD

By: nah
by: whoopsJun 17, 2024 5:46:01 PM

oops...switch alpha phi and pi phi

By: whoops
by: ummm..Jul 2, 2024 9:10:23 AM

deeph and pi phi should be up with xo, dz and axo.
kappa and alpha phi down with phi mu.

By: ummm..
#4  by: let's fix this take 2   

Not a rank, per se...but more like houses that recruit similar girls...or a similar vibe...none better than another...just grouping together

adpi, kd

zta, ddd, dg

aoii, theta

xo, dz, kappa, axo

pi phi, deeph

alpha phi, phi mu

aephi, gphi, sk

By: let's fix this take 2
#5  by: bruh   

the ranking is good no need to fix bc some kappa wants a higher rank lol

By: bruh
by: rightttJun 18, 2024 10:35:12 PM

omg fr. i thought they were chill tf

By: righttt
by: nahJun 19, 2024 8:22:53 PM

so, it clearly says it is NOT a rank "bruh". haters gonna hate...don't see a problem, they're all great...just grouped by vibe is what it says. NOT A RANK...reading if fundamental "bruh" lol

By: nah
by: ha haJun 20, 2024 9:35:49 AM

lol "bruh" can't read from the dim light in the basement of mom's house

By: ha ha
#6  by: yes   


By: yes
#7  by: hiiii   

pnms this is it

By: hiiii

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