
sorority vibes fr

by: sorority

for those looking for vibes/public perception over rank

classy/pretty/christian/blonde/not super skinny/ wifey material:
phi mu adpi chio sk

cool girl/ miami party influencer/ alt/ don’t care/not stereotypical sorority girl:
zta theta pi phi dphie aopi

academic/ quirky/ involved/ funny/ sisterhood/ accepting/ everyone gets along:
aephi, gphi, kappa

brandy melville/ clean girl/ cheerleader/ dancers:
kd, dg, axo, dz

the most sorority sorority (blonde hot have fun guys love them):

Posted By: sorority
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#1  by: THIS   


#2  by: yessss   

accurate for 2024 !!!

By: yessss
#3  by: uhm   

uh, well, hmmm....not really...

These are stereotypes and not really true reflections of all the girls in each house. When you go through recruitment, you find that these stereotypes do not hold...there are all kinds of girls in every house. These stereotypical groupings are from outsiders.

By: uhm
#4  by: Yep    

The problem is there are too many members to have a single stereotype

By: Yep
#5  by: my opinion   

this is super accurate- put dg in the second category tho

By: my opinion

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