
fraternity comments

by: GR Administrator

University of Florida - UF General Fraternity Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
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Page 40 of 90
#391  by: top of the top   

chi phi, agr, lambda chi, and delta, delta oopsilon

"the most excellent"

By: top of the top
#392  by: im a legacy at   

sigma lambda beta. how are they here? I heard they're having home coming with zta are they good?

By: im a legacy at
#393  by: Real Rankings   

SAE, ATO, Sigma Chi

Beta, Phi Delt, KA

Pike, Theta Chi

Pi Kapp, TEP

Kappa Sig, ZBT, AGR

Delta Chi, Chi Phi, Sigma Nu, TKE

By: Real Rankings
#394  by: ..   

Beta and ATO better than phi delt? jokes

By: ..
#395  by: @RealRankings   

Tend to agree with most of that, you forgot SigEp though at the very top. PhiDelt has slipped a bit with their last 3 PCs, they have been replaced by Sigma Chi. ATO probably goes in the second column along with Beta/PhiDelt/KA. PiKapp will replace Theta Chi at some point and then either Pike or PiKapp will look to replace Beta, maybe both. TEP will stay about the same, as mentioned Theta Chi will fall, and ZBT will drop to where you have them rather quickly now that they won't have a house.

By: @RealRankings
#396  by: ???   

Why are people placing AGR so high all of a sudden? Please, someone tell me.

By: ???
#397  by: AGR   

AGR does do things with ADPi and little events with KD so they have some sort of name. A pretty random frat though and it varies how each person ranks them.

#398  by: Don't see...   

Don't see how Pikapp and TEP are wild cards, its pretty clear Pikapp will move up a lot as Theta Chi drops a bit and TEP will move up a bit as ZBT falls heavily. At the end of the year I'm expecting a upper middle tier KA (they are desperate for a really good PC, all the southern kids go to ATO and SAE now), Pike, PiKapp, and one, maybe both of Theta Chi/TEP. KS will probably drop if KA drops because KS will never be higher than KA. That upper mid tier I listed will then go on to challenge top tier, notably Beta.
I think at the years end...
Sigep, SigmaChi, SAE
Phidelt, ATO, Beta
KA, Pike, PiKapp, TEP
Theta Chi, KS, ZBT
Delt, DX, AGR, ChiPhi?

By: Don't see...
#399  by: challenge?   

The upper mid tier will challenge the top in which way? The top is the top cuz of HC, Social and Gameday matchup. The top will be the top and the mid will be the mid next year unless some houses get kicked off campus.

By: challenge?
#400  by: because   

because there are some vulnerabilities in the top tier. for one, no one likes beta, phidelt has had 3 bad PCs in a row, etc.

By: because

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