
fraternity comments


University of Florida - UF General Fraternity Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 37 of 90

tools, will slip back into obscurity when pike and pikapp rise. they post on here all the time trying to put themselves forward as top tier and anonymously bashing all the other fraternities. give me a break.

By: theta chi

Theta Chi wasn't the only placeholder while Pi Kapp and Pike were gone, ZBT managed to rise this high because they were gone. Now that they're about to be homeless and drop to Phi Tau's level... or lower.

By: Hi!

This guy below talking bout hazing is obviously bottom tier. Any of the top houses have very intense pledgeships but its all worth it in the end.

By: ..

Nope, try again. I'm a member of one of the 3 Big Sigs.Was I hazed? Yes. Was it really that bad? No. Was being hazed worth it to become a member? I'm indifferent but I will say it didn't make me or any of my brothers better. Yeah I may be "top tier" but that doesn't mean I have to be an arrogant douche. That's just a stupid stereotype, one that you continue to push assuming you're in one of the top 3. Otherwise you shouldn't be calling anyone "bottom tier."

By: ...

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This guy is right top houses haze hard because of tradition and hazing is what makes a fraternity a fraternity and not a social club (Beta and many other middle/lower tier houses.) Its not based on the quality of the guys they recruit. If that was true TKE and DU would haze hard but they dont.

By: @....

Your right hazing doesnt get you socials with dg. But every top house hazes, end of story. And last time I checked DG does things with the top houses.

By: ..

Of a material conditional to defeat my point.

By: Wrong use

if you're not in sigma pi, sigma nu, or sigma lamba beta you are a nobody

By: all hail the bigsigs

No one has ever used the term "big sigs" at UF. It is not a common phrase. Why is it coming up on these websites all of the sudden?

By: no one

You're right, it isn't. I just made it up when I was trying to explain to that other guy that hazing is just a stupid tradition. Kind of cool to see it catching on though. The 3 Big Sigs are Sig Ep, SAE, and Sigma Chi btw.

By: Me

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