
fraternity comments


University of Florida - UF General Fraternity Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 15 of 90

Top will be top and rankings stay pretty much the same if you aren't kicked off, that being said while EX, SAE, and ATO are "top houses" they are in kind of their own "southern gentleman/awkward" group

1. Sigma Phi Epsilon / Phi Delta Theta
2. Sigma Chi / Sigma Alpha Epsilon
3. Beta Theta Pi / Alpha Tau Omega
4. Kappa Alpha Order

1. Zeta Beta Tau / Tau Epsilon Phi
2. Theta Chi / Kappa Sigma
3. Pi Kappa Alpha / Delta Tau Delta
4. Phi Kappa Tau/Delta Chi
5. Alpha Epsilon Pi

1.. Lamda Chi Alpha / Chi Phi
2. Tau Kappa Epsilon / FIJI
3. Sigma Nu
4. Alpha Gamma Rho
5. Delta Upsilon

By: Just Sayin

Sigma Chi is barely southern and I wouldn't call them awkward either. At least not on a scale comparable to SAE, KA, or ATO.

By: Knave

Couldn't agree more with with "Just Sayin'"

By: Honestly

Can anyone tell me a little bit about Phi Kappa Tau? How does it stand socially?

By: Nickname

Phi Tau is probably the very last somewhat decent house, and decent is a stretch. Very under the radar, no one knows/talks much about them. Their last two homecoming were with KKG and AXO I think, and they probably do socials with other middle/lower middle sororities (PiPhi, XO, etc.)

Not good, not terrible.

By: Re: Nickname

Can anyone tell me which houses to avoid if I don't want to be hazed?

By: Bob

Bob. I think your real name is Jack. Nobody at UF hazes

By: Jack

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Phi Tau had no HC this year...

By: RE: RE: Nickname

"Just Sayin" forgot Sigma Pi, Phi Sigma Kappa, and Pi Lambda Phi...

By: Mr. Sir

To respond to your question about Sigma Pi, Phi Sigma Kappa, and Pi Lambda Phi, I don't mean to disrespect these fraternities in any way but they truthfully aren't any sort of a force on campus, (they have many issues, some with no Homecoming pair, others with extremely small pledge classes and some with no house).

By: Just Sayin To Mr.Sir

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