
fraternity stereotypes

by: xfer rushee

So I'm transferring to UF this spring and want to get an idea of fraternity stereotypes for top tier and middle tier fraternities. Which houses are southern, which houses are sofla, and which are a mix.

Posted By: xfer rushee
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#1  by: .   

go play on 13th street

By: .
by: YupOct 15, 2013 11:27:51 AM

definitely. ATO southern, Phi Delt sofla, Phi Tau mixed

By: Yup
#2  by: top   

as far as top tier houses go

Southern: SAE, ATO
SoFla: Phi Delt
Mix: EX, Beta

By: top
by: Too soon?Oct 15, 2013 11:29:19 AM

SigEp: SoFla

By: Too soon?
#3  by: more   

Upper Mid: OX is both, KA is south, Pike is sofla
Mid: KE is southern, delt, phi tau, and pi kap are a mix, ZBT is sofla

theres probably more but idk them well enough

By: more
by: nice try lolOct 20, 2013 7:18:59 PM

pi kapp isnt middle tier...

By: nice try lol
#4  by: HC   

To "oh",
The tier system is based on more than just homecoming. Does Pi kapp even have homecoming? Kappa sig has homecoming with Pi Phi. Pi kapp has the potential to move up but for now, they're lower.

By: HC
by: hmNov 2, 2013 10:58:12 AM

I would actually argue that the tier system is based almost entirely on homecoming. That's why fraternities will spend entire semesters trying to court sororities, and the whole purpose of socials in general. (isnt that why people argue that AOII/Tri Delt aren't as good as the to 4 - because they don't have as strong of HC rotations?) Pi Kapp has homecoming with Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delt doesn't have it with anyone.

By: hm
#5  by: nah   

Gotta disagree with the based on HC thing.. I know that EX, SAE, and PhiDelt never have to court anyone.. I mean why would they

By: nah
by: to nahNov 2, 2013 11:59:55 AM

Yeah, but that's because they're solidly at the top and tend to have set rotations. Even then they change a little bit every now and then depending on what sororities and fraternities are tippy top at that time. I think what HM is trying to say is that HC pairings tend to define the tier system (ZTA, ADPI, DG, and KD are at the top cause their HC rotations are the best, followed by AOPI and DDD. Same with EX, SAE, Phi Delt, and ATO - followed by KA and Beta)

By: to nah
by: YupNov 3, 2013 3:18:30 PM

Sorority rankings define the HC rotation which is a significant portion of a fraternities reputation (along with socials/parties/general impression). Until the sorority rankings change from ZTA ADII KD DG AOII DDD, their respective dates will remain the relevant houses.

By: Yup
#6  by: sae   


By: sae
#7  by: top   

top houses are more southern

By: top
#8  by: ato   

sae phi delt beta sigma chi

By: ato

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