
what top sorority is it easiest to get a bid from?


ranked easiest to hardest to get a bid from ZTA, ADPi, KD, DDD, DG, AOII?

Posted By: ?
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Easiest aoii, then dg, ddd, kd, zeta, hardest = adpi.

By: sorority
by: Classy   

Agree- ADPi is the hardest. Gets most bid requests, and very good, proper, classy Christian girls with high standards- God love em. Whether that's your speed or not, ADPi girls are the classiest girls with the highest standards, making them the most difficult sorority to gain acceptance.

By: Classy
by: Oh please   

Adpi is NOT hardest to get a bid from. Zta is tougher but both are tough. Adpi isn’t over zta at all just different but both are top for different reasons.

By: Oh please

Yeah aoii/dg, then ddd, then kd, then zta/adpi but they're all really good at rush and therefore they all drop a lot of girls and are quite selective.

By: Easy
by: Wut   

Almost every girl I talked to during recruitment liked aoii a lot, and was upset when they were dropped

By: Wut
by: What??   

You’re ridiculous and everyone knows it. Putting it here doesn’t make it true and you know it. Get real.

By: What??

Top tier is just Kd Zeta and adpi

By: Let's get real
by: No   

It's not though. Huge difference between ddd aoii dg and pi phi/theta. They are the second half of the top tier.

By: No
by: @no   

Omg there is no such thing as second half of top tier. You’re ridiculous. Just like there is ranking in top tier there is in mid as well (which is where ddd, aopi and dg are). They are ranked within their own tier so please just stop! Ddd is not too tier and probably has a lot of work to get their. Top tier is zta, Kd and adpi and that’s all. Stop just stop.

By: @no

zta and adpi make the most cuts and get the most requests so they are the hardest to get bids from. Although this site would have you believe otherwise, there are actually people in existence that preffed at adpi and went elsewhere. ADPi is good, obviously, but its a 2 way street. Not all top girls choose ADPi. zta and kd (and others!) are full of girls that CHOSE those sororities OVER ADPi. This is not to disparage adpi but to make new PNMS realize that this site makes it sound like adpi is the best thing to ever exist and no one in the right mind would ever want anything else. That's simply not true. It is not for everyone and adpi has a strong vibe that some girls don't like.

By: zta or adpi
by: Hello zeta   

We know it is Zeta making this negative comment about Adpi. Adpi still has the most number one bid requests.

By: Hello zeta
by: @hello zeta   

First off I don’t think the comment is negative just stating facts...defensive much? Secondly it’s true adpi is definitely not over zeta no matter how hard they try on this page to flip it on zeta. Case in point; your post. Bye zeta.

By: @hello zeta
by: @hello zta   

You’re an idiot.

By: @hello zta

ZTA or ADPi equally hard (pan numbers are almost identical)

but please understand that a pnm can certainly be cut by chi o, theta, pi phi just as easily if they weren't involved in high school, can't hold a conversation, have a bad reputation and come from a town with a lot of sorority girls that know them , etc. There will be girls cut by 10+ sororities after round 1. It happens.

By: rank
by: Wtf   

Can you read? This post I said about getting Cut from a certain houses. The point here is that Adpi and Zta the hardest to get a bid from.

By: Wtf
by: This   

Most accurate statement on this thread
ADPI and ZTA are the toughest because they are ranked the highest during rush year after year
These houses have to drop the most pnms after each round
But there are cases of PNms dropping these 2 for a lower tier
Last year DDD and KD got great pc’s
Personally DG and AOPI are more like top of middle vs the top 4

By: This
by: @this   

Nice try DDD. There are only 3 top. You’re not even in the running. Stop being pathetic.

By: @this

It's unpredictable where you'll be cut. I was dropped by DDD, AOII, Pi Phi, and AEPhi round 1 but everyone else including ZTA and ADPi kept me. No idea how.

By: Uf21
by: So?!   

You did not get a bid from Zta or Adpi. That is the point here. You missed it honey. First round is nothing.

By: So?!
by: Uf21   

Girl. You don't know my life and I intentionally left out what house I'm in ;) Be humble girlfriend

By: Uf21
by: @   

Ive seen this happen to a lot of girls (being cut by some houses but not by adpi or zta), it all just depends on who you end up talking to/clicking with

By: @
by: yep   

cut from all middle, kept from all top -- sometimes they drop you bc they know you won't pick them

By: yep


By: Jackie
by: Sure...   


There ya go, now it’s right

By: Sure...


Now zeta will dispute his put this is the Truth.

By: Pan Official ranks
by: Lol   

Zta doesn’t need to dispute. That would be a full time job because adpi is on here all day self ranking and trying to make themselves top and that is just not the case. Zta and adpi are EQUAL just different vibe. Same girls seem to make cuts for both and the it comes down to which they prefer so adpi get off your high horse. It’s you that is in here constantly trying to prove you’re better. Your speaking a little too loud. Sounds a little pathetic tbh. So maybe you should just stop.

By: Lol
by: @lol   

Watch how many dislikes you get. It will just prove your point.

By: @lol

It appears that while ZTA is waiting for their house remodel to be completed, they are living inside ADPi's head.

By: Talkspace.com

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by: Lol   

What ever Zeta. Stop saying you got more bib requests . Speak the truth. Adpi Is getting a new house not a renovation. Adpi does not care about Zta. Please get a life. Adpi does not need to lie to get attention like Zeta. So Felicia. Bye bye. Have a great spring break. Have fun playing in the sand box.

By: Lol
by: lol    

Stop. Writing. Like. This.

By: lol
by: @talkspace   

Could you be a bigger moron. I think you are stuck inside your own delusionally warped head. This is the most moronic statement in this page and that says a lot considering...

By: @talkspace

Adpi. So obvious that Zta can not read but Adpi sure can, Check the Pan, Adpi has the most number 1 bid requests. Adpi is the hardest house to get into. Yes they are beautiful , super involved, smart ( highest Gpa's of the top tier. It so obvious they are doing everything right. Chapter of the year , two times in a row. Watch the down votes from Zta. Never a house that a Pnm is judged on looks alone.

By: So easy
by: I call bs   

Why you directing this at zta? Hey adpi you’re the ones on here constantly self promoting. Zta can’t be bothered and btw. You can throw whatever bs you want out there...the number don’t lie and we all know what you are really all about so how bout you stfu with your bs. Stop trying to make yourself look better by knocking others down. It’s gonna catch up with you one day...go check your bible.

By: I call bs

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