

by: Guest

Is ADPI getting a new house and if so, when? How about AXO, DEEPH or AEPHI?

Posted By: Guest
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#1  by: me   

adpi will not have a house in the 2018-2019 year but will have a new house the year after

By: me
#2  by: Houses   

I hear ADPI, DG and XO are planning new houses or additions.

By: Houses
by: .Jan 13, 2017 1:46:51 PM

ADPi is knocking down their house year after next and the following year they will have a new house. Chi O is starting additions I believe next year or the following year. Not sure about DG.

By: .
#3  by: Houses   

I saw a sign for gphi's ouse on row, any update on that?

By: Houses
by: Saw a picJan 12, 2017 10:13:17 PM

It's literally huge wtf

By: Saw a pic
by: GphiJan 13, 2017 12:58:07 PM

It'll be ready by Fall 2018

By: Gphi
#4  by: anchors away   

I heard that DG will be getting a new house in 2018/2019.

By: anchors away
by: DGJan 13, 2017 6:50:41 PM

I heard this too. Im sure all of these new builds will be gorgeous!

By: DG
by: Question......Jan 14, 2017 11:51:53 AM

Will DG new house be at the same location or a different location?

By: Question......
#5  by: Guest   

They are probably using the Sig Ep house.

By: Guest
#6  by: z   

so glad UF is finally starting to update houses. they are way too small and old for how big a deal greek life is here

By: z
#7  by: Build build build   

I heard only one house can have construction on row at a time, so what's the line up?

By: Build build build
by: wellJan 22, 2017 11:34:06 AM

I don't think thats true considering that aopi and axo have both been doing construction/renovations this year

By: well

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