
shouldn't theta chi court pi phi or dz


Why isn't theta chi courting pi phi or DZ? Would look better than chi O, and theta chi doesn't seem to have relations with either of them so shouldn't they choose the better options

Posted By: Why
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Theta Chi and Chi O are already paired. They aren't courting anyone else.

By: -
by: .   

Looks like the tier climbing didn't help too much.... plus, piphi would've never chosen theta chi anyways so I guess the strategy was to just go to lower middle tier from the get go instead of upper midsl like piphi or dz, who would've never chosen them

By: .
by: At .   

You clearly are butt hurt theta chi has cut ties with pi Phil and denied the social YOU guys attempted to pay for. Get over it and over yourself

By: At .
by: Lol   

Lol now I know that's a complete lie. Piphis social chairs can't even get a hold of theta chis social chair, yet alone offer to fully pay for a social esp. with a frat that clearly wants nothing to do with them. So yeah piphi wants nothing to do with you and would never vote for you over pi Kapp, delt, kappa sig, or KA.

By: Lol
by: Guest   

I don't know all the details because I'm in a different sorority, but sororities legally aren't allowed to use their money for alcohol or anything like that so theres no way they'd have offered to pay for a social...just saying

By: Guest
by: HAhahahahahaha   

Lol you guys must not be in the know. Pi phi 100% attempted to pay for a social uber the table but theta chi had no room for them in their social calendar. The only reason you claim that you don't is for homecoming is becssue we'be dropped ties with pi phi. Again, get over it

By: HAhahahahahaha
by: Guest   

A social isn't worth them getting their charter revoked no sorority would ever use dues to buy alcohol

By: Guest
by: Rant   

Are you guys HIGH? I wouldn't put it past a sorority to pay for a social. Why? Because i already know of one that did. So, yes it is very conceivable that Pi phi would offer to put up money to have a social with theta chi. Now, let's get to WHY they would do that. Pi phi didn't want to lose one of the better perceived fraternities they used to do stuff with, so in a last ditch effort they attempt to throw money to have a forced social.

By: Rant
by: Lol   

At least we now know how many theta chis troll this website. And I can assure you that every sorority has very stringent spending policies. No Panhellenic sorority would risk getting in trouble. Especially when it's not even for a top tier frat. That makes literally zero sense.

By: Lol
by: pi phi   

I can say from a credible source that pi phi 100% did not offer to pay for a social. Pi phi reached out for a social/game day and theta chi said they had no room for them in their social calendar and cut ties with them. Pi phis didn't like the way they were treated and im sure they would not vote for theta chi over pi kapp, delt, k sig, tep, aepi or anyone else who might be courting them.

By: pi phi
by: again   

Again this is very comical because you just automatically say "Oh a sorority would never do that"
I already know of a sorority that 100% did the exact same thing.

By: again
by: exactly   

It is not inconceivable at all that a sorority would reach out to a fraternity to have a social, It's not a big deal but to just say oh they would never do that is completely misleading

By: exactly
by: yea   

My fraternity went broke last spring and our last social was paid for by the sorority after we said we had to cancel, they just gave us the money for "food" and we paid the venue.

By: yea

Theta Chi social chair didn't tell the entire chapter he was pairing with Chi O, the guys didn't even have a say and they aren't that happy about it.

By: insider

trust me, if the chapter would've had a say we would be courting pi phi or DZ

By: theta chi
by: ^   


By: ^

who is the social chair

By: hm

Zac Copper lol

By: theta chi

This is all so rude to Chi O. I agree they are kind of under Theta Chi but they're about even with DZ and only sightly under Pi Phi. You all are acting like they're a bottom tier. Give them at least a little credit.

By: :/
by: imo   

Yea just ignore everything on here, your'e life will be much easier trust me

By: imo
by: S   

Agree. And also theta chi despite their tier climbing attempts are still middle tier so it's a middle tier with a middle tier why is this that shocking? They got hella lucky with aoii this year. They would typically never have them. Chi O is not that far below them.

By: S

I would rather go with Phi tau, they actually have Oasis

By: DZ/ChiO

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DZ and Chi O are basically the same. Pi Phi is only slightly higher. Their rank won't drop just because they have Chi O for hoco one year. They didn't really have any other option.

By: lol

I don't really get why XO gets so much hate. We had a social with them and it was dope. Yeah they don't go out all the time but when they do they're a really fun chapter to get paired with

By: Pilam

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