
pnms:look wide


There is a lot more to sororities here than just looks and I'm sure you can see that some houses emphasize looks in their selection process. There are however other factors to consider for your overall sorority experience at UF such as:
- what is the sororities campus involvement?
- what fraternities do they associate with?
- How is the sisterhood?
- is there a lot of drama?
- who do I want to spend 4 years with?

For me, the sisterhood factor was #1 but I could have joined a house that was based more on looks. I am so glad I made this decision as my sisters and I are very close despite the fact that we do have differences. Go where you feel mist at home!

Posted By: Jill
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The sororitys are ranked according to who they do socials with and the frats choose the sororitys based on looks

By: Fraternities
by: Jill   

They also choose on tradition but that is only part of the big picture. Sisterhood and who you will spend 4 years of your life with matter as well.

By: Jill
by: To Jill   

Nope. The Frats only choose based on looks. If Gamma Phi had the best looking girls the top frats would not care for one second that they've been here for one year with no tradition and they'd immediately go for them.

By: To Jill
by: But   

That doesn't even make sense... There would be no way that gamma phi could get the best looking girls BECAUSE they've been here for so little time. So tradition really matters and it's obvious

By: But
by: ^   

Ok i'm just saying they choose off looks and nothing else

By: ^

Fine. That's your opinion but you are missing my point. Sisterhood, involvement and who you want to spend the next 4 years with are also factors.

By: Jill

call me shallow but i think looks have a lot to do with it. the better looking the higher ranked and when I put a sorority on my resume i want the highest ranked. thats just me. i am looking to get a job in the end - i can be friends with very gorgeous girls or very average girls, but i want my resume to show the top. just sayin

By: um...my opinion
by: So   

There are plenty of gorgeous girls here that have no personality and thus may have a harder time in the business world. I don't think a specific sorority will matter most interviews but campus involvement and overall pose will matter.

By: So
by: lol   

i can tell you right now that reality is going to hit you hard when you realize no employer will care if you were in a top tier sorority in college.

By: lol
by: lol   

i can tell you right now that reality is going to hit you hard when you realize no employer will care if you were in a top tier sorority in college.

By: lol
by: Harambe   

He died so that we may be free. He's a true beacon of light in this dark world. The things he did the way he was It makes me want to cry. He WAS and still IS Harambae in all our hearts.


By: Harambe
by: my opinion   

it totally makes a difference if you are in top sorority. I shoot for the top in anything I do and thats why I came to UF. People that went to UCF or FSU tried to tell me it would not make e difference but I am not that naive. I strive for the TOP and therefore mid and lower tier sororities are not an option for ME. Maybe you see it different and you are satisfied with less (maybe because you have to be satisfied with less) but don't criticize me - maybe one day you will be working for me.

By: my opinion

So ian employer s going to come on GR and check the 'tiers' before hiring? What a joke.

They would take a middle tier student body president over a top tier Barbie with no involvement anyday.

By: Lol
by: nope   

excuse me LOL, but you are completely wrong. you just are. sorry.

By: nope
by: Well   

The student body president is in a top house, she's not a Barbie lmfao you act like top tier girls aren't just as smart and successful.

By: Well
by: Lol   

I don't think all top tiers are Barbies and am aware the student pres is an ADPI. That's great and she is an awesome laeader but an employer is not going to check Greek Rank!

By: Lol

And.... PHI MU has always been a top tier house at FIU.
Phi Mu rules Miami!!

By: sorority
by: nope   

employers do absolutely know. My mother went to UF and she won't hire anyone unless they are in the top of their class, top of the sorority rank or frat rank and top in other respects. Thats real life girls. its okay if you are not top - someone has to be middle and bottom but it won't be me

By: nope
by: sorority   

Your mom maybe have gone to UF but what if the top candidate is from FIU, and she was a Phi Mu?

I'm betting your mom wouldn't know that Phi Mu has always been the ADPi of FIU!

By: sorority

Dear nope- you are just like your mother. That's ridiculous not to hire someone unless they were in top tier!! I can't imagine the way you have been raised. All about status and what others think. You are going to have a very unhappy adulthood. Sorry.

By: Been there

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by: Being trolled   

There is a 100% chance this is someone sitting in their dorm, not going through recruitment, eating Cheetos and chuckling about getting sorority girls riled up. "My mom only hired top tier!" Please. Ignore the obvious trolls.

By: Being trolled
by: Cheetos eater   

Her mom hires for a rush coaching company in the panhandle!

By: Cheetos eater

God help you if you interview with a GDI who thought all sorority girls were catty and shallow and disregards you the way you are disregarding other houses with great sisterhoods.

By: Also


By: sorority

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