
really wanted to like them


I enjoyed adpi until I heard that members of adpi went around pretending to be in other sororities and were mean to girls rushing in order to make sure everyone else looked bad. If they have to do that to make themselves look good then they that's not the sisterhood I want to join

Posted By: Disappointed
Page 1 of 2

Hi Troll. Are you a DDD or ZTA?

By: Hello
by: Lol   

No but you must be in adpi ;)

By: Lol

That's actually impossible but nice try

By: What

This is bs

By: Ug
by: Lol   

It doesn't even make sense

By: Lol

lol actually true I've heard this too

By: tru

That's ridiculous and would never happen. Pan love guys. Stop the hate. Adpi wouldn't ever do this and neither would the rest of us.

By: Hah what?

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No this is actually true. It was one girl that did it but she would say to freshman "hi I'm in ____ (not ADPi) are you rushing this fall?" And then the PNM would say yes and they'd say "great well we're going to drop you"

By: Well
by: That's ridiculous    

How do you know that it wasn't another house? Stop the hate. Let's try and rush these girls well without this underhanded mess.

By: That's ridiculous

No Sorority would ever do this. This is ridiculous and this group of PNMs is too smart to fall for it...

By: Stop!

So who was this girl and when did it happen?

By: Llll
by: Yeah   

Summer B, like I've heard this from multiple sources and have the girls name but I won't say it in here. I know it sounds ridiculous because it is. It sucks to say it, but ADPi has girls like these too

By: Yeah
by: OK   

So one girl did something stupid and you call out the entire sorority? The ADPIs are sweet and not like thuis at all. Every house has girls that make mistakes. She probably got called into standards and that's the end of it.

By: OK
by: No   

No chapter women would do this and no PNM should believe this. Especially adpi, they don't need to resort to things like this in order to get the girls they want. This post is just a sad attempt to influence PNMs

By: No
by: Yikes   

Y'all are taking this very wrong. Also very surprised all of the comments got down voted 60 times in 8 minutes! This post was not for PNMs. It's a note that it's disappointing how far this girl went to make another sorority look bad. I don't care if you don't believe this or are just trying to defend your sorority. The point is, a girl in the chapter did something VERY low, and it's not acceptable. Say it didn't happen and that "no ADPi would do it" all you want. Truth hurts and you are defending it to just further the poor reflection of character this chapter has been displaying.

By: Yikes

They did this to my friend because her sister was in another chapter!!! They are very very shady. You shouldn't speak about other chapters to make yourself look better.

By: The truth
by: Yes!!!   

Thank you for finally backing me up. This isn't made up. Whoever the ADPi spamming the votes and comments right now is clearly has no idea the nature of the situation. It was serious, mean, and it sucks that she made another chapter look bad when she was really the one with poor character

By: Yes!!!
by: Ug   

I originally wrote this was bs, but now am thinking maybe it is not.

By: Ug

I KNOW this is to be true because it happened to me as well! She wasn't as blunt about it, but I was talking to this one very pretty girl who said her name was Carolyn. I told her I was interested in DDD, and she said she was a DDD, and I wouldn't be a good fit.

A few weeks later I saw "carolyn" out and pointed her out to my friends. I come to find out her name is not Carolyn, and she was in ADPI! I approached her, and she denied the whole thing, told me it must have been someone else. NO WAY, I KNOW who I was talking to! She was blond and had a freckle on her upper right leg. It was DEF her.

By: Gem
by: Hmm   

Initials please it I call complete BS

By: Hmm
by: GEM   

How am I supposed to know her initials if she lied about her name being Carolyn? She made a beeline for me AFTER she overheard I was interested in DDD.

When I saw her out, I went over and said, 'hi Carolyn. She didn't answer. I tapped her and again said, 'hi Carolyn, remember me'? She said my name is not Carolyn, and no, I do not. I said we talked a few weeks ago, I'm Gabby, and you're in DDD, right?"

She said, no, I'm in ADPI, you must be thinking of someone else' and turned her back. I looked to see if she had the same freckle/birth mark on her right upper leg, and yes she did. It was absolutely her. Now I know why she did that.


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