
which houses should be lower/higher


1. ADPI- Deserve to be top. Beautiful, smart, classy
2. ZTA- should be lower. Low GPA, and based on just looks
3. KD-should be higher. Same qualities as ADPI
4. DDD- right where they should be, a drop below KD
5, DG-should be lower. Low GPA, ratchet house
6. AOPI- should switch spots wit DG

1. KAT: Should be higher- scandal free, and classier than DG.
2. PiPhi-deserve to be right here. No controversy, fun girls, frats love them
3. Dphei- deserve this spot based on GPA, cute girls, good dressers
4. XO-same line as DPHIE, just so different. Class, smarts and kind
5. DZ- should be lower. Watered down XO but not as cute or smart
6. AXO-correct spot
7. KKG- correct spot

1. AEPHI-should be top of bottom based on high GPA
2. PhiMu- second bottom house due to tight sisterhood. Low GPA
3. GPHI- we shall see after this years recruitment
4. SK- deserve to be bottom

Posted By: KC
Page 1 of 2

So to summarize where ranks SHOULD be:




By: KC

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I can get behind this

By: gator

get off greekrank. deeph > you. girls aren't any cuter than pi phi or dz, nothing has changed in the last 2 months to move you up any higher than you have been

By: stop XO 2016

Agree with this. Personally I would switch Phi Mu and AEPhi but they're about the same either way. I like this ranking much more than the normal ones.

By: Guest

OP said DPHIE stays the same. This is clearly a girl from a house who said they should be higher. I say this is KAT.

By: to stop XO 2016

Everyone stop assuming self ranking and trying to guess who it is it's so annoying it could be anyone who wrote this

By: Guest

Of course it is self ranking. Do you think a DG or DZ wrote this? Clearly not. Likely written by a KD, but cant say for sure. KAT maybe, but KD has more reason to need a boost, theyve been called out a lot for snap bids. Saved harshest remarks for DG, who had a solid rush last year unlike KD. KD is barely 3rd and definitely deserves no higher, actives know, if they dont step it up this rush they will likely drop lower.

KAT is exactly where they should be. Also, it is kind of ridiculous to claim AOPI should be number 5 and DG number 6, because that is how they typically have been listed anyway this summer. Why try to make up an issue in ranking when there wasnt one? Have other minor disagreements with some of the rest, but it really doesnt matter...in the end this list is obviously biased.

By: No

With view counts, we can see you upvoting this post. 3 views, but 5 upvotes. Unbiased ranking, NOT. Thanks Greekrank for adding view count!

By: Upvotes

there are 123 views, where are you getting these numbers from? I totally disagree with so many:

. ADPI:should not be top. Too conservative and god squad
. ZTA: should be number 1. The most beautiful, stunning girls
. KD: lower, same reasons as ADPI
. DDD/DG/AOPI should be numbers 2, 3 and 4. Fun, beautiful, and great girls.

KAT: so much more fun than ADPI and KD. Should be top, #5
XO: a lesser ADPI and KD. lower
PiPhi: what is so special about them?\n\n\n\n\n

By: lol
by: HEY ZTA   

hey zta,got to be able to read and write too. Adpi is beautiful and smart and most involved house on campus, has been around for ever, and has a great reputation as far as sisterhood. THAT IS WHY ADPI IS NUMBER 1.

by: truu   

actually so accurate

By: truu

I have noticed the fake voting on this too, vote count will say 120 for example, and before it moves to 121, there will be 4 more upvotes. BS way to try and convince people.

By: Votes

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