
alabama repost


Saw this and thought it needed to be on our page too

Top Tier: The houses where you really fit in and are at home with the women there.

Middle Tier: The houses where you fit in only when you are being something you are not and are trying to impress but you will always have to act a way other than natural or you will feel awkward.

Bottom Tier: The houses where you do not fit in or do not feel welcome -- and nobody laughs at your jokes. At all.

Posted By: PNM
Page 1 of 1

Ok I get your point, but you don't need to say tiers, rather say go where you feel a genuine connection with the people and feel you can call these girls your friends. Oh and btw Bama's tier system is prolly ranked on looks as well just sayin

By: tiers?
by: PNM   

ok i thought it was nice don't make it a negative pls calm down

by: Guest   

1) The point of saying "tiers" is because that's what everyone says and usually "bottom" is supposed to be the worst but really the worst (bottom) for you should be where you don't fit.
2) bama's system is very different. Lots based on tradition/money/influence

By: Guest
by: ^   

And Looks, Phi MU is top there and they're considered to have the best looks, but keep on drinking that kool-aid

By: ^
by: to PNM   

Ya it is nice, and it'd be nice if the system worked that way ( i wish it did) but it doesn't

By: to PNM
by: Guest   

Looks is a factor as well but not the only one. They are one of the top there for many different reasons

By: Guest
by: Ugh   

I hate how there's a positive post and then someone has to make a comment like this and make it negative. Go back to your little place of hatred and let the rest of us pan love it out ok

By: Ugh
by: thats the thing^   

You constantly talk about this pan love and all there is are sororities bashing other sororities... You know what my guess is? You're prolly in a top sorority so you don't deal have to deal with being called lower or whatever. Its easy for you, what do you have to lose nothing bc you're already top, so to you, you just want your pan love and let things remain status quo and in the end its cool with you bc youre top

By: thats the thing^
by: Ugh   

Actually I am in a middle tier sorority. Why do you have to be so assuming and so cynical? What is wrong with wanting pan love instead of hate? And if you like your sorority why do you care or even take note if people call it "lower" (I'm assuming that's what yours is because of your comment, correct me if I'm wrong)? Someone has got to be "top" and someone has got to be "bottom", even if things "change" as you say, someone will still be "bottom", but that doesn't mean any is better and one is worse, especially if you enjoy where you're at, which is the OPs point. So yeah I can want pan love.

By: Ugh

What do you think ranks are based off of? Its based on who you're social calendar is with. IF you're a top tier sorority its bc youre known to do stuff with top frats.What do you think the frats consider when choosing their social calendar? Answer-looks, therefore top means best looks.

By: to OP
by: Missed the point there   

The OP is saying that PNMs shouldn't care about that though, and instead top tier to them should be where they feel most comfortable. So one persons top tier could be Deeph while another's is Phi Mu, who knows. All in where you feel comfortable.

By: Missed the point there
by: a huh   

I understand and that's what it should be based off of, but the system does not view it that way and sororities do not view it that way. PNMS do, but sororities look at rush as a way to get the best looking girls they can get so they can be better than their competitors. For the most part, I think there are some houses that truly don't care about status and come from a genuine place
... just my two cents

By: a huh

It sounds like being "top" is better than "bottom" to me. and idk you could just be saying youre middle and actually top.
People lie on this site all the time

By: to ugh

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by: Ugh   

I am in a middle sorority but you don't have to believe me, people do lie frequently here. Think what you want. What I'm trying to say is that people will always think there is a top and a bottom. Even if the order changes, it will always be there. But no matter what house you are in, no matter if people see it as bottom, you shouldn't let it bother you. If you love your house that is all that matters. If it is the top house in your heart that's what counts. None of us should be tearing down any house, it doesn't have to be a war

By: Ugh
by: ^   


By: ^
by: to ugh   

You're right, but by saying pan love and leaving everything the same, that changes nothing. YOu can say all you want go where you feel at home and thats the truth but it doesnt change the fact that the system as a whole is based on social status and at the end of the day competition. As long as some houses perceive themselves to be higher or more better than other house .... yea I'm going to have a problem

By: to ugh

I think you're all missing the point of this post. It's saying that tiers are all relative and personal. Your top tier house is where you fit in best, so it could be ZTA, it could be SK. Your bottom tier house is where you do not feel at home, once again, ZTA or SK or anywhere in between. It's saying the tier system is irrelevant, and to go where you feel the best.

By: ???
by: you realize    

that you're going to go where you feel the best based off how each sorority makes you feel. The tier system creates competition, therefore, sororities want to be better than the others. SO say you're a PNM and feel more at home at SK than ZTA to go along with your example. Well maybe ZTA did not want you to feel at home bc they didn't want you. But SK treated you well and you liked them. That's how it works... all im saying

By: you realize

The first time I skimmed the post, my first reaction was to think that this post was a big insult to mid & bottom tier houses. Then I read it again and realized I misunderstood. I like the sentiment, but definitely can see how the post might be easily misinterpreted on first quick glance based on the way it is worded.

Personally I think the real tier system is not a good thing. Any system that labels over a thousand really bright, awesome UF women, as middle or lower, is a system people should be able to strongly speak out against...which is really what I think happened here...and for that I say, "right on."

But, I think OP's intentions with this post were good. And it is likely almost everyone who posted on this thread is actually somewhat on the same page, even though it doesnt look like it at first glance!

By: I think

At the end of the day, you are still YOU. If an attractive, dynamic girl goes to a top, mid or bottom, she will still be an attractive, dynamic girl. Likewise, if an unattractive, blah girl is in ADPI or ZTA, she will remain unattractive and blah. You take yourself with you on matter where you go.

By: who cares
by: exactly   

good point but does not apply to greek system as a whole

By: exactly
by: To who cares   

You know who cares alot? every sorority. All I'm saying is wouldn't it suck to be perceived as less or categorized as lower simply based off which house your in? In real life, people here said it best.. none of this stuff ever comes up, but the underlying superficiality is what drives it. Headbangers for example, ZTA, KD, ADPI basically the three best sororities according to y'all - there's a reason they choose to do it with each other and not other sororities. STATUS. I'm not saying any of this should affect an individual and their self worth, but in a system where you are ranked as less bc you're not in the popular sorority is not cool

By: To who cares
by: Be realistic   

you cannot change the system. There are tiers at every school with greek life and there always will be. The best you can do is promote pan love and acceptance. There will still be tiers. I think this poster is saying that because there will always be tiers and there will always be people who see lower tiers as worse, you have to be happy with where you're at and that is what's important. It's like the whole "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference" thing. You can't change the fact that there are tiers and some girls like to be snobby about it. You can change how you personally feel and advocate for pan love.

By: Be realistic
by: to ^   

One girl said she had to beg her sisters to go to an SAE party right? well instead of begging her sisters to go in order to keep their relations and status- she could have let her sisters do what they want and not care just sayin

By: to ^

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