
can someone answer this

by: Help

So I preffed at a house I love/pref night went really well and it's been said that if you pref there you should be able to get a bid... Why did I get my second choice then? I love where I am but I've always wondered what happened. I know this happens to so many people too. Would I have ended up there if I suicided?

Posted By: Help
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#1  by: Hi   

No if you suicided you wouldn't have gotten any house at all. You would have been released from recruitment.

You didn't get your first choice because that house didn't rank you high enough and your second choice house ranked you high enough.

By: Hi
#2  by: TBH   

No, you wouldnt have gotten them if you suicided. Although you had them number 1, they had you too low on their list. So once they matched with other girls that also had them high and that they had higher on their list and reached their quota...you were essentially ruled out from your 1st choice at that point. Your 2nd choice had you high enough on their bid list that you were matched. They essentially were the house that wanted you more. It is usually nice to be where you are most wanted.

There is one scenario here where someone might get a house that they are not matched for and that is only if they do NOT suicide. That is through the possibility of quota additions. If you are too low on the bid lists of all 3 of the houses you preffed at and all 3 of the houses match up to their quota with girls they had higher than you on their lists...if you did NOT suicide and wrote down every house you preffed at...you are typically guaranteed a bid, and depending on a variety of complicated factors, Pan may add you to your first choice as a quota addition. Being a quota addition is no guarantee, but one thing that is a guarantee...you have no chance of being a quota addition if you suicide (that is part of the rules).

But that is why they say chapters should be prepared to only pref girls that they would consider giving a bid to...because anyone on their pref list (even a girl lower on their bid list) could end up as a sister by the time all the calculations are done.

by: ..Jul 26, 2016 4:11:59 PM

I actually wonder if this might be why KD ran into troubles, because it has proudly been stated on here that ADPi has the highest number of people suiciding for them. If ADPi have a lot of the same girls preffing at their place as KD, but a lot of those girls suicide rather than write KD down as a second choice, then all those girls that dont make ADPi's cut, simply get released. No house for them. KD could have typically relied on getting those girls, but with suicide there is no back up. Hmmm

By: ..
#3  by: YES   

Great explanation above. I think it's super important for PNMs to know that suiciding is literally the worst possible option. Just cuz you don't want the other two houses doesn't mean you shouldn't put them down because there is a chance that you could get your top choice even if you weren't ranked high enough as the above poster explained. If you suicide and get that house then you're just lucky that you were listed high enough in the quota. If you really want that house and not the other options still list them for the extra chance of getting your top choice. And if you don't then simply drop the house you got a bid from.... but I highly advise you give them a shot!!! You will more than likely end up loving them.

by: KD and their snap bids Jul 26, 2016 4:42:52 PM

I do not think the issue KD had with the snap bids had anything with ADPI last year. KD for some reason did not select the PNM's via the normal process and had to offer have snap bids. Not sure why they did this. Did they feel the none of the girls that came into the KD house were worthy of getting a KD bid? Only the KD's know for sure. I will say there would be no way I would have take a snap bid from KD. If you did not like me the first time, and I was cut. There would be no way in hell I would take a snap bid from them after rush was over. How dare you call me up after rush was over and offer me a bid. I bet KD never will do this again.

By: KD and their snap bids
by: LoLJul 26, 2016 5:01:43 PM

It is not like KD would pick to do snap bids on purpose. it's not like it would be their strategy to forgo formal recruitment, and select their sisterhood out of girls that were either dropped or released from all houses during rush.

By: LoL
#4  by: SUICIDE.    

I did a suicide last year. I got the house that I wanted. I did not see myself at the other two houses that I preffed at. I was willing to take a chance on what might happen. I was nervous at first, but did it anyway. I am proud to say I am an ADPI and I am so glad that I did it. I love my house, my sisters. ADPI is a perfect fit for me, and I would do it all over again. People will tell you not to do it, but if you feel that strongly about a certain house( I did) than do it.

by: okayJul 26, 2016 4:26:33 PM

I did not get my top choice, had to settle for number 2. I have been miserable the last two years. I am thinking about dropping out. I always wonder why my number one choice did not happen, even though I was told by some sisters I was a sure bet. I really did not want to go to number 3. This whole process is messed up. You are sorta stuck at a house you do not want to be at. I wish I would have done a suicide. Now I am a Junior and not happy in a house that was my second PICK..

By: okay
by: To SUICIDE.Jul 26, 2016 4:36:46 PM

To SUICIDE. Your comment makes no logical sense. If you have your heart set on one house, you lower your chances of getting that house by suiciding since you rule out the possibility of being a quota addition. I do not know how to make it more clear, if someone follows your advice, they do not increase their chances, they lower them.

To okay: if you end up with a chapter that was not your first choice, then that doesn't automatically make you a sister. I think it is great that you gave your second choice a chance, but if you felt that strongly negative against your second choice AFTER having given them chance, you should probably not gone through with initiation and re-rushed.

by: just sayingJul 26, 2016 4:38:02 PM

I understand you didn't see yourself anywhere else but you have a better chance of getting your top choice if you maximize your options. And if you don't get it then drop it and re rush next year if you ~need~ that house.

You don't get your top choice because you didn't list any other options.

By: just saying
#5  by: `   

did not read all the comments above, so sorry if this was repeated...lets say you have X, Y and Z on pref night.

lets say you get dropped from all three houses, aka no bid, but since you played "fair" and "by the rules" and went to all the parties and put down all of your houses, then you will be placed in your first choice.

however, if you suicide, or only put down two options, and get no bid, then you are released from recruitment.

it all depends on where you are on the list, and how it matches up. I suicided on pref night, even though i was told repeatedly not to. it worked out and i love my house, however looking back and knowing what i know now, it is only if you are 100% sure you do not want to be in another chapter. i would advise to put down all your houses! go to bid day. make the most of the experience. if it isn't for you, then re-rush, but a lot of times, girls end up making friends and loving their house.

By: `
by: meAug 22, 2016 4:21:08 PM

so what would happen if you only pref at one or two houses because every other one droped you? would they understand that it wasn't a suicide and that you were trying to play fair?

By: me
by: FfAug 22, 2016 4:48:00 PM

If you have 2 houses left and suicide, you may not get a bid. Just rank the 2 his you want and you should get a bid. If you have one house for pref you are in good shape T get a bid as well

By: Ff
#6  by: =)   

Wanted to add the perspective of someone who didnt get their top choice. I encourage you to at least go to bid day, give at least that a go. That house really wanted you and you may be surprised how much you end up liking them. Let them shower you with some love and gifts. You are not locked in for life, and you will have plenty of time to sort out your emotions and decide what you want. If it truly turns out that it isnt a good fit, it is not the end of the world and you can re-rush later. A bid is not binding for life.

Initiation however is binding for life. Once you become a sister, you can not join another Panhellenic organization, even if you drop out as a sister. So if you still have not bonded with that organization, do not go so far as to become a sister.

By: =)
#7  by: Bump   

Interesting and relevant

By: Bump
#8  by: Yes   

Lots of people get their second choice. I was mentally prepared to get my 2nd or 3rd choice at prefs. I got my first but still believe that getting my.2nd or 3rd would have been much better than being a GDI

By: Yes
#9  by: .   

What happens if you don't suicide but only put two houses? Is that better than suiciding? Now say I put all of my three potential pref houses, would I have to hope that I am not high enough on my second or third choice's list so that I would be a quota for my first choice?

By: .
by: GuestAug 22, 2016 6:52:42 AM

If you only put two houses when you have 3, you increase your odds a bit (over suiciding), but will not qualify to be a quota addition. So if you are too low on your top 2, you will just get released with no bid. For your 3rd question, the answer is yes.

By: Guest

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