
chapter track records?


So, like most PNMs I've been scrounging each of the sorority websites, however I am most interested in track records. By now we've all heard what the so called "top houses" are today/for the past decade, but I really want to join a house with a highly respected longstanding history at UF. Zeta, DDD, and DG's sites touch briefly on the legacies of their chapters, which seem solid. But does anyone know anything about KD & AoPi's? ADPi's "through the decades" alumnae portion of their site is pretty much the most intimidating/jaw dropping thing I've ever read. What about Chi O? Theta? Pi Phi maybe? Thanks for the insight!

Posted By: Curious
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So with all the pre-recruitment hype I was beginning to think Adpi & Zeta were just super popular right now and perhaps like all things they would prove to be just fleeting trends. Then I went on their websites, looked at their histories, and was immediately forced to eat my words. So inspiring. Never have I ever wanted to join a sorority more.

By: PNM standing corrected

Just read Adpi's "Through the Decades" section under their Alumnae tab and had to keep asking myself is this real life?...SO nice to read real individual examples of a chapter's qualities rather than just the anonymous and opinionated ranks you see on here.

By: Real life?
by: Goosies   

Wow, I seriously got goosebumps reading

By: Goosies

Good for ADPi and stuff but I feel like it's a little weird that all these "PNMs" are now on here "feeling goosebumps."

ADPi has many women from their chapter who have gone on to do great things, including two female SBPs. Zeta has had one, as has DPhiE. Most chapters at UF have at least one woman from their chapter (not like "impressive national alumni", I mean women from their specific UF chapter) who have done cool things (Erin Andrews is a UF Zeta, Faye Dunaway was a UF Pi Phi)...

It is cool to be in a chapter that has produced impressive and prominent women (in fact, sisters, I'd love to hear who your chapter's stars have been! We all have them!) but focus MOST on your connection with the women there NOW, as that will definite your years in the house.

By: Hmmm
by: Haha   

LoL, I have thought the same thing! The comments are so over the top, the goosebump one esp. I went there almost expecting the second coming of Christ based on the way "PNMs" were talking. Instead I found a very nice synopsis with good historic pictures of their proud history. Thought it was great someone put in the effort to put that together, and thought more chapters who have been here a long time, should maybe take the time to do the same, but that is it. No jaw dropping moment, no goosebumps, no fear of stepping into their hallowed halls, no passing out...I was almost disappointed that I wasn't more awestruck. :o) Then I checked out ZTAs, and found a nice tidy little paragraph about their chapter history. Again, it was fine, but I didn't fall out of my chair or anything. I dont know who is writing these grandiose comments, but I do find them very amusing!

By: Haha
by: Ladies   

Let me start by saying I'm not a zeta or an adpi but I am a Greek woman and I don't think we should "haha" at any PNMs/anyone expressing their excitement for going Greek, approaching recruitment, or any comments that give praise to our fellow Greek sisters. It tastes strongly of bitterness and I doubt that's the impression anyone wants to leave potential sisters. While I may not have a personal connection to either of these houses it's still nice to read things that are building women up instead of judging. Pan love everyone!

By: Ladies
by: @Ladies   

Aw lighten up...what no one can find something funny on here? what you read as bitterness, I read as mild amusement. And if you believe everyone who says they are a PNM on here is a PNM, then I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

By: @Ladies
by: Lol   

It was just a matter of time before someone commented something negative on this thread. Anywhere you see positive comments about Zeta or Adpi, trolls are soon to follow. Lets just compliment successful chapters for once rather then scrape for far stretched criticisms we hope will bring them down in level. Their history shows they aren't going anywhere, we might as well encourage good karma.

By: Lol
by: Innocent bliss   

We all can remember what it was like to be a PNM, over excited with idealistic expectations of impending recruitment, assuming the best. Let's just let them exaggerate their enthusiasm and be giddy with lofty dreams while they can.

By: Innocent bliss

Has chi o had any student body presidents?

By: Chi o?
by: Same   

Was wondering the same about Aopi?

By: Same
by: -   

I know zeta had one in the last five years...

By: -
by: Deeph   

Deeph had one once

By: Deeph
by: Who else   

Ok so Adpi has had 3, and Zta and Deeph have each had one...who else?

By: Who else
by: That's all folks   

I believe that's it

By: That's all folks

Honestly SBP is great and all, but come on guys... All SW has done is get chick fil a breakfast and change one library's hours to the other library's hours.... Like come on she isn't making history with chicken minis lmaooo

Let's add parking spaces, talk about tuition, etc.
It's cool and all but y'all are making it out to be like a miracle job

By: How

Love all this Panhellenic positivity! Such a nice refreshing change to what you usually see on here!

By: Love

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Really interested about Pi phi? I know they haven't been here quite as long but seem to have made strides in their time. Any info?

By: Pi phi

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