
videos zta and ddd


I am a potential PNM. Before you start bragging about how great DDD and ZTA summer Video was, You might want to know about how the chapter did in their final Grades. ZTA was number #15( the lowest of the top houses, and DDD was number # 12. This was totally shocking to me, that these houses do not study, or study very little. I also found out the GPA's of the other two top houses ADPI and KD, and their is no comparison between the other two.I think( this is my opinion that as a PNM I am looking for a house where there is Beauty and Brains. And that there is more to life than showing off your Body. I watched all the videos that were posted out there, but I am not looking for a shallow experience. I am going to college for my education first, and it appears to me, that DDD, and ZTA clearly have their priorities in the wrong place. I am looking for a house that puts academics first.

Posted By: Gabby
Page 1 of 2

Oh no
Ma grades
How can I ever respect ZTA and DDD again after this madness

By: Wowzers

not very smart? is that true?

By: ZTA and DDD
by: yes it is true   

Yep..... not the smartest rock on the beach...

By: yes it is true
by: DDD and ZTA   

I am not surprised at all. The are not the ADPI's or the KD's that is for Sure. Those houses are hot and smart.

By: DDD and ZTA
by: Guest   

Looked up the list of GPAs and they literally all differ by like .1 but nice try at taking a shot at ZTA and DDD :) maybe you should stop feeling so threatened by us, ADPI and KD

This was posted already but thought it deserved a bump

By: Guest

Neither of them get to mix with New SigEp.

By: restoringfraternity

Where is everyone finding the GPAs?

By: ??

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by: Bump   

Bumped gpa list for you

By: Bump
by: ??   

Thank you! Glad to see my chapter is doing well :)

By: ??
by: GPA list   

Can someone post the GPA LIST for the PNM"S so they can see it?

By: GPA list

It is currently posted near this thread on the discussion page

By: It is
by: It is   

"It" being the gpa list, i meant to say

By: It is
by: what is your chapter   

what chapter are you in that is doing well?

By: what is your chapter
by: where is the GPA list   

where is the gpa list? is ZTA really 15? DDD 12?

By: where is the GPA list

hi i am in a chapter that is fairly high on the GPA list, and i just want to point out that a lot of the GPAs are separated by very little differences, less than a whole point!

By: hi
by: tri delts and Zeta   

the pits as for as academics standards....

By: tri delts and Zeta

If you were to actually educate yourself about Greek life you would realize that the Greek community include some of the brightest, most involved students at UF, and these grade rankings are determined by less than a percentage point in many cases. I'm in one of the houses that you named and have a 4.0, and I can't think of a single sister who doesn't take their academics seriously. Advice for rush: stop trying to tear other houses down; we don't need any more people in Greek life who are just looking to demean their fellow Greeks.

By: Ok
by: Really?   

Obviously not in your house? otherwise Your house would not be ranked at 12 or 15...... I do not care what you have to say, not interested in failing college or dropping out of school. I am a PNM looking for a house that HAS good grades, there has to be a healthy balance in a house, and some of the other top houses have beautiful girls, with better grades than you have. SO WHY WOULD I CHOOSE YOUR HOUSE? BEAUTY AND BRAINS. WHAT A GREAT CONCEPT.

By: Really?
by: Ok   

You sound so angry :( what about beauty, brains, and kindness? turn caps lock off and take a deep breath. Rush isn't life or death :)

By: Ok
by: Response to ok   

response to ok. No one was cutting anyone down here. You are over reacting here. I am in a house myself, and we all know that grades are important. This PNM is looking for a house that has and good grades. Stop being so Defensive.

By: Response to ok

Okay. You have to keep in mind that we go to UF and everyone is competitive with academics. I'm in Zeta and we actually won an award from our nationals yesterday regarding our academics. I've also never been in the house when there hasn't been a group of girls studying. So this isn't really a fair thread to post when it's UF. All Greeks are pretty smart and care about their academics.

By: Well
by: Hahaha   

not for being the top at UF that is for Sure. ZTA needs to chill out. You are not top dog.

By: Hahaha
by: Wow   

"Hahaha" you're kind of rude. If you don't think we are then that's totally fine. I don't really care about that stuff, but for the record we still have a great gpa. Have a nice weekend!

By: Wow

this is irrelevant because if you actually look at the average GPA of each chapter, they differ by like 0.01 (basically nothing). So saying that DDD and ZTA are "not smart" is ridiculous, all the sororities have smart girls and have high average GPAs. If you are in a sorority and do not have a GPA that is up to par, you are put on academic probation. People who are actually in sororities know this.

By: what
by: Thank you   

This is true and this thread is stupid because everyone at UF cares about their grades so why do we need to assume the sororities that have .2 lower than the top GPA don't have their priorities straight. I'd also like to call out that your sorority's GPA does not define yours..there are so many people making up that one number. You could have all girls with 4.0s dragged down by some 3.0s and clearly we can't assume the whole chapter is "dumb" if some girls have 4.0s. I have to say there are a TON of pre med girls in my sorority and they still make great grades, but if they didn't that wouldn't mean they were dumb.

By: Thank you
by: ddd and zta   

say what you want... you are on the bottom and not all that smart.... good luck with rush.

By: ddd and zta

Hey OP, go look up "UF Greek GPA" on google and look at the first result. You'll see stats about the GPA's for the entire Greek system, and you'll probably notice that all of the sororities have great GPAs. You'll also see that PC has a higher GPA average than NPHC, MGC, and IFC. If you're joining a sorority for academics, you'll be in good company no matter which house you end up in.

by: -   

The list that comes up is not the most recent one, but it does show that the all Greek average gpa is higher than the all university gpa.

By: -
by: ddd and zta.    

my dogs have a higher GPA than those houses.... good grief. what are they majoring in? coloring 101. These ladies should be at FSU, not at UF.

By: ddd and zta.
by: ddd and zta.    

Are you sure we are not looking at GPA's at the DDD and ZTA houses at FSU? How embarrassing to UF? Kick them out of here. Wow. I did not know that. I think we need to send Deeph and AEPHI over there to help them study.

By: ddd and zta.
by: ddd and zta.    

ddd and Zta. mostly superficial anyway, this does not surprise me one bit.

By: ddd and zta.
by: ddd and zta.    

as long as you do not go to ddd and zta.

By: ddd and zta.

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