
was a pledge


I just needed to put this out this out there. I did get a bid from Tri Delt during rush last year. After I month in, I dropped out, I realized I did not fit into this house, as my patients did not make 6, 7 or 8 figures. My Mother is business manger and my dad is a mechanic. I was not bullied by anyone at the house, I did not have the bank accounts that the other girls had . I was not initiated and I am plan on going through RUSH again. YOU NEED TO HAVE MONEY TO FIT INTO THIS HOUSE.

Posted By: former TRI delt
Page 1 of 2

My room mate is DDD, her parents are very wealthy... she said lots of the girls in the house come from money, and if we don't have any, it puts you in a weird situation with the other girls..... I am not sure if they put you down, but you will be included in a lot of things they end up doing?

By: what? I am not surprised
by: money   

money is what tri delt is all about.... that is it.... we will not fit in if you do not come from money.....

By: money
by: they look down on you.    

yeah... I head they look down on you if you do not have money? Is that true?

By: they look down on you.
by: No   

Stop trying to stereotype Tri delt. They have tons of girls, rich middle class and poor.

By: No

I am in tri delt and I am going into my junior year. I have bright futures and wouldn't normally be able to pay dues but I found a way to make it work. We have a great payment plan that really helps. I think it's totally okay to say you didn't fit in but I have never felt like I didn't fit in because of my money situation. So many girls in tri delt don't come from money and use left over bright futures to pay for it or work to pay for it. One sister even works two jobs to help take the burden off her parents. I love my sisters and no one treats you differently based on the amount of money you have.

By: what?
by: that is b/s   

I do not buy that for one minute..... TRI DELTs are notorious for putting people down for not having money. Why would all these people come forward and say they did not want to be in the tri delt house? I do not have money either, and I am a potential PNM, I am not looking forward to coming into your house from what I am reading.... My parents are comfortable, but I am not a rich kid. I hate that you do this to people.

By: that is b/s



I do not like the TRI DELT house.... I got the same vibe and dropped out. If you do not have money, you will not fit in.... trust me....it will not be pleasant..... I re-rushed I dropped out two years ago, rushed again, and I now am in KD, and I love the KD's...... I still am not rich, but it does not matter where I am now.

By: I got this same vibe
by: Dear Potential PNM   

Do not worry lots of houses, like ADPI,AOPI, KD and XO do not care if you come from money or not. We will not judge you if you do not have money either. We look forward to seeing during rush....

By: Dear Potential PNM
by: No   

You can't drop from a sorority and re rush. It's a Panhellenic rule. THIS IS A LIE.

By: No
by: Guest   

I really doubt you were actually in tri delt since that's impossible to drop out and join another house, but my best friend actually is and she works the whole summer to pay her dues, as do a lot of her sisters and girls in sororities in general. It really doesn't matter to any house how much money you have, and I really don't even know how you could tell how rich PNMs were during rush anyway? this whole thread doesn't make sense

By: Guest

I'm in PC15 and come from a middle class family. We have a beautiful house which does mean our dues are sometimes expensive. I don't ask my friends in other houses about their dues because I don't feel it's my business. However, the point that girls are obsessed with money and look down on those who are not as wealthy as them is completely ridiculous! I have NEVER been made to feel bad about money or clothes or anything like that, and I really dislike pretentious people so I would've dropped right away. Yes, there are girls who come from money (as is the case in a number of houses), but these are my sisters and we care about each other as people not for how trendy their clothes are or how rich we think their parents might be. It almost makes me laugh when I see people from other houses trying to explain what the dynamic is like in a house they aren't a part of...

By: PC15

This post is so not from a former DDD.

By: BS
by: Lol   

Yeah I think this is either one of those Greek rank bots trying to stir up drama or all of the negative posts were written by the same person. It's not like every one writes with a lot of "......" in between sentences. Kinda fishy

By: Lol
by: yes it is   

There is not reason for me to lie about my experience at DDD.

By: yes it is

Tired of seeing posts like this. We should all be showing pan luv<3 !!! We are showing such a bad example for PNMs

By: :(

There are so many negative, ridiculous posts about different sororities that I'm not buying for a second that the people posting are legitimate. The other day it was DZ today Tri Delt. STOP

By: Just stop!

Let PNMs make up their own minds, this stuff makes everyone look bad.

By: Yuck

I'm in Tri delta, and I'll have you know that I work and pay to be in this chapter. Girls respect that and admire it. Our chapter is economically diverse... I'm not the only one working. Also, we have plenty of scholarships and other forms of financial support for girls so we can include all of our sisters we love.

We choose girls for their personalities! I wore JC Penney and Forever 21 (no joke) all throughout rush. I've never even owned something from Lilly, and I didn't wear any designer clothes while rushing ever! And here I am, a Tri delta.

Secondly, this is not a post from a Tri delt. If you drop from a sorority after accepting a bid, you CANNOT RUSH AGAIN. It's Panhellenic rule. So I don't know who is trying to pull this and why, but stop trying to stereotype us. We don't put down other people / chapters, and would appreciate it if we were treated with a little respect. Everyone deserves it. These rumors are beyond false and because so many of our girls work jobs in Gainesville and at home, it hurts to see that people try to typecast our whole chapter.

by: Just one thing   

All good stuff above, but for PNMs sake, I wanted to clarify that you actually can re-rush (even after accepting a bid) as long as you were never initiated, but you usually have to wait a year. It is all spelled out in the UF Panhellenic recruitment acceptance agreement.

By: Just one thing
by: response   

See. what these ladies are saying is true... They got bids from DDD, and dropped DDD before they were initiated.... These ladies were telling the truth. These former DDD pledges went elsewhere, as they were not happy at DDD. I think before we call people out and tell them they are not telling the truth you should have all the fact correctly.... That is what I got from the conversation..

By: response

Can I skip this house during rush? Can anyone help me with this? DO I have to go into this house?

By: i heard that too

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by: run honey....run.....   

not a nice house... superficial at the most.... they think they are the top, but they are not..... middle tier house.

By: run honey....run.....
by: wtf   

yes, you have to go to every house. just rank them low after round 1. i'm sure they'll rank you low too if that's your attitude.

By: wtf

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