University of Florida - UF Discussion

Page 1082 of 1082
this may be the wrong place to ask this but By: egar man   Last Post:

what're my chances of getting accepted to UF for the...Read More

By: egar man   Last Post:

Started: Mar 6, 2014 10:55:12 PM
2013 homecoming pairs By: The Legend   Last Post:

ZTA - Sig Ep underground ADPi- Pike DG- Social Probation KD- ATO AOPi- Phi...Read More

By: The Legend   Last Post:

Started: Aug 15, 2013 8:23:24 PM
rushing By: Male   Last Post:

How do the fraternities at UF decide who gets a...Read More

By: Male   Last Post:

Started: Jan 8, 2014 7:35:05 AM
which houses are having spring rush? By: Manbearpig   Last Post:

The IFC site is under repair, and I know that...Read More

By: Manbearpig   Last Post:

Started: Jan 11, 2014 2:08:43 PM
fraternity stereotypes By: xfer rushee   Last Post:

So I'm transferring to UF this spring and want to...Read More

By: xfer rushee   Last Post:

Started: Oct 4, 2013 10:18:45 AM
↓ Posts Continued Below ↓
mixes By: Gator Girl   Last Post:

Hey y'all what top frats mix with which sororities? ...Read More

By: Gator Girl   Last Post:

Started: Jan 13, 2014 9:33:21 PM
spring rush By: uf   Last Post:

does anyone know if chi o alpha chi aoii ddd...Read More

By: uf   Last Post:

Started: Nov 18, 2013 7:35:20 PM
spring rush By: uf   Last Post:

since registration for spring rush opened today can anyone tell...Read More

By: uf   Last Post:

Started: Dec 14, 2013 11:25:24 PM
spring recruitment By: hi   Last Post:

when do we hear about spring recruitment? is it usually...Read More

By: hi   Last Post:

Started: Dec 7, 2013 6:11:09 PM
too late to join? By: Brometheus   Last Post:

As a sophomore that didn't get a bid at the...Read More

By: Brometheus   Last Post:

Started: Nov 23, 2013 7:37:40 PM
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