


for ZTA, AXiD and ADPI (?) are they ranked lower because they are new or people just don’t like them.

what makes PM, KD, DPHiE, AOII, GPHiB better than everyone else?

Posted By: curious
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No one has GPhiB up there with PM DPhiE AOll and KD. Theyre down there with AZD ZTA and ADPi.

Yeah i guess because theyre all new but GPhiB has been here forever no idea what their deal is.

By: Way 2 go

yeah gamma definitely isn’t up there with phi mu, KD, aoii and dphie

By: hi
by: ha   

I BEG to differ. Going through recruitment, I swear, Gamma Phi and AOPi had THE SAME looking girls. Rankings are so stupid and everyone posting one has an agenda to tear another house down or build theirs up. Gamma Phi, they are just fine. Just like every sorority here.

By: ha
by: slammaaaaa   

Ehhhhhhh, I wouldn’t say gamma is on par with ΑΟII, ΦΜ, KΔ, and ΔΦΕ. Honestly, I’d put any sorority over gamma at KSU, just from my experience at least, they’re just not very interesting.

By: slammaaaaa
by: gamma who   

agreed lol ^^^

By: gamma who

No one said gamma phi wasnt good. theyre great. Look at the return rates and who gave snap bids. DPhiE and ZTA did the best outside of PM AOll and KDwho did the best. After that there was GPB and AXiD.

Then theres who hangs with what fraternity, GPB hung out a lot with Pike who was good and some with Pi Kapp and KA maybe a little with KS. Not on PM DPhiE AOll and KDs level though.

EVERY sorority is GREAT here includig GPB but when making seperations personaĺy thats how id do it.

By: Yeah

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by: fact check    

ehhh idk where your facts are coming from but aoii had one of the LOWEST return rates this year. axd had higher returns than them just saying.

By: fact check
by: Idk   

A few girls in my friends pi chi group dropped recruitment because they got axid.

By: Idk
by: Wrong   

nice try but they were top 3.

PC order this year was..

KD-easily did the best plus they have KS for HC.

PM-KD is the new #1. PM is still amazing though.

AOll-#3 not on PMs level or even close to KD but easily top 3.

ZTA-did much better than DPhiE and are rising fast.

DPhiE-did well enough to stay out of spring maybe..

AXiD-passing up GPhiB faster than most expected.

GPhiB-great girls but will have to do better in spring to stay ahead of AXiD.

By: Wrong

No youre not close to #1... just stop.

PM is by far #1.

KD DPhiE and AOll are tied for number 2.

ZTA AXiD and GPhiB are all interchangable.

By: KD...

Dphie is definitely #1
PM comes in a close second.
AOPi is #3
KD is #4
ZTA is #5
GPhiB is #6
AXiD is last

By: #5
by: eeeehhhh   

every opinion is different but id put PM AOll and KD above DPhiE. at the very least just PM and AOll maybe not KD. obviously some disagree but thats my opinion.

By: eeeehhhh
by: Perspective   

Phi Mu has the whole package with girls I think they're nice, gorgeous, and fun.
KD/AOII/DPhiE (No order)
KD I think has pretty and fun some nice but some girls are so fake.
AOII has pretty and nice but not as fun.
DPhiE has hot and fun party girls and a mixture of nice and fake.

So it really depends on what your looking at that makes them "best". In all honesty all sororities here are great in different ways. You got your girls you wanna call up for a good time and you have your girls you take home to mom or you have a perfect mix.

By: Perspective

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