
sorority comments


Kansas State University - KSU General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
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You are clueless. All those houses you mentioned had good recruitments except PiPhi. They had a hard go of it.

By: FYI frat dude

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why is everyone saying the top 3 houses are tri delt chi o and pi phi and that theyalways recruit the best and will always recruit the best?? This is clearly not true because pi phi didn't even make quota!! educate yourself before constantly claiming the top 3 will always be top 3. NOT true at all.

By: hellooo

#1 this website it literally the dumbest thing ever. I have friends in other houses who have TOLD me that their house actually required them to vote on these types of sites their freshman year for their house. some of those houses being Pi Phi, Tri Delt, and Chi O... so geez no wonder why they look like top houses on here because other houses don't have time or give a crap to have their girls sit on worthless sites like this and post.
#2 Pi Phi, Chi O, are not top houses. Pi Phi had a terrible recruitment this year because no one liked their house and from what I heard Chi O girls backstab their own sisters so how does that make them a top house? The only one of these 3 that I believe might be a top house is Tri Delt. They have really nice girls and their bad reputations have started to go away a lot. Only problem is, overall their house just isn't really smart.
#3 People on this site constantly seem to forget about houses like Kappa, Theta, KD and even GPhi to some extent. Kappa girls are really smart and really love their sorority a lot. Theta girls are also really smart and love their sorority. People also say they never see thetas out but that isn't true at all. I see thetas out ALL the time. KD girls are actually really cool! and Gphi is a great house overall. Smart, Pretty, and they like to party.
#4 The only houses that truly are "bottom tier" are SigKap, AXO, AZD and Zeta. Not Smart Not Pretty and don't win anything.

By: @ksugreekgirl

I'm not going "rank" the houses on our campus because quite frankly, that's entirely a matter of opinion. I will however go through my experiences and impressions of the houses on our campus. Obviously, if you party, the party houses are going to be higher ranked for you. But if you care more about hanging out with the girls and being low-key, those houses are going to appeal to you. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't be in a "lower-tier" house just because it's not their idea of the perfect house.

Alpha Chi Omega: sweet but quirky girls, some party, some don't. Need to get their crap together on their grades and their involvement. Sitting at the bottom in grades and homecoming placings several years in a row does not a successful house make. However, they're super involved with their philanthropy, which is always good. The girls I've met from their pledge class this year seem to really care about their house and making it better. But they've got a ways to go.

Alpha Delta Pi: Super smart, usually top in grades and very involved. Had two of the girl finalist for ambassador this year, have a had a past student body VP and usually do well in homecoming. I've yet to meet a girl from their house that I didn't like. Very nice ladies and they've been recruiting in a way to insure that it stays that way.

Alpha Xi Delta: Very fun girls, they like to party and aren't afraid to show it. They're also very big on their philanthropy, and I always seem to see chalking from them.

By: ksusorority
by: ksusorority   

Oops! Too long
AXiD: (cont.) The girls I know in AXiD are all pretty outgoing and loads of fun. Some of my friends in fraternities say they don't have the best rep for being.... promiscuous, but I don't know that to be true of the ones I know. Overall, nice fun girls.

Chi Omega: The couple of Chi O's I know are total sweethearts and fun girls to be around. Some of them party a lot, others don't at all. They seem to have a good balance of seriousness and fun. My only negative experience with a Chi O is occasionally overhearing one badmouthing another sorority or a sister.

Delta Delta Delta: Fun, pretty girls. One of my very close friends is a Tri Delt and she's one of the biggest sweethearts I know. They don't have the best reputation on campus, known for their partying more than their involvement or philanthropy but very fun to be around.

Gamma Phi Beta: Honestly I wasn't sure what to make of GPhi when I went through recruitment. Since then I've gotten to know more and they're really nice girls. They won homecoming this year, which is always a big positive. Other than that, I don't see a lot of them or much about them but the couple I do know are nice girls. Most I know are quieter and I feel like they're a house that sometimes gets lost in the shuffle and forgotten about.

Kappa Alpha Theta: Big personalities! All the girls I know in Theta are really nice and fun but they wouldn't be for everyone. Most are exactly who they are, quirks and all, and are proud of it.

By: ksusorority
by: ksusorority   

Theta: (cont.) They're all sweet and super loyal, the ones I know would do anything for a friend but they can be overwhelming in a group. Also very smart, usually in the top in grades with ADPi and Kappa

Kappa Delta: Sweet ladies as far as I know. I don't know as many girls in this house as others but the ones I know are nice. A little stand-offish and a bit harder to get to know but sweet once you get to know them. Most people I know either immediately clicked with them or still don't really. Lovely women however who are super close.

Kappa Kappa Gamma: One of the quirkier houses in my opinion. I absolutely love my Kappa friends but they definitely march to their own drums. Some of the biggest sweethearts you'll find on campus and several of them are hilarious! They're super loyal to their sisters and their house.

Pi Beta Phi: Pi Phi's are a very mixed bag to me. All very pretty girls but some of them are super nice and friendly to everyone but some can be kind of stuck-up and stiff with people that aren't their friends. They had a tough recruitment this year and lost a lot of girls to other houses. They're still a great house, doing well in homecoming and decent in grades though.

Sigma Kappa: Never sure what to make of SigKaps. The girls I know are very nice but kind of awkward. They don't seem to know what they are which leaves the rest of us confused as well. The Mud Bowl is a strong philanthropy event, so mad props for that.

By: ksusorority
by: ksusorority   

SigKap: (cont.) But otherwise, you never really hear about them. They need to work on their PR and make themselves more visible. They didn't place in anything in homecoming either.

Zeta Tau Alpha: Most of the Zetas I know are fun, free-spirited girls. They like to go out (maybe sometimes too much) but a good group of women. Some of the girls from their house are a bit awkward and hard to get to know but for the most part they're very nice and fun to be around. My encounters with them at parties have been...interesting to say the least but we all can get a little crazy sometimes. They're one of the more talked about sororities as far as I can tell as well.

Well that's my thoughts, sorry it was forever long. Feel free to agree/disagree. It's an opinion for a reason.

By: ksusorority

After this past spring 2013 semester I think the tiering has changed a lot!
Pi Phi
GPhi (could argue middle tier as well)

Tri Delta (could argue top tier as well)


I believe this ranking is more or less pretty accurate.

By: sorority
by: sorority   

oops forgot theta! I would place them middle/bottom

By: sorority

Above must be an ADPI...jokeeee


Or a chi o...


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