
kd alpha class

by: Curious

Does anyone know how many girls they bid?

Posted By: Curious
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#1  by: hm   

looks like about 120

By: hm
#2  by: Nah   

Less than that. More will drop.

By: Nah
#3  by: Ummm   

Chapter total is 115, so they can't bid more than that...but URI Greek Life said 115. And yes, some will drop.

By: Ummm
#4  by: ovr   

I heard they took 121

By: ovr
by: NahFeb 24, 2014 2:11:44 PM

Chapter total is 115. Plus there are less than 115 in that picture they posted.

By: Nah
#5  by: ...   

Normally, a chapter can't take more than total. Colonizations work a little differently though. But I did hear they took 115.

By: ...

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