
who is next?

by: hmmm

so who is next in line to get kicked off campus?

Posted By: hmmm
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#1  by: /   

What happened?

By: /
#2  by: brick   

Possibly fiji. But all of Greek life is in jeopardy

By: brick
#3  by: dafack   

TEP's gone. Who knows.

By: dafack
#4  by: o.o   

Sigma Pi or Fiji are the next on the chopping block I would think. I would throw DZ on there too but they've been pretty under the radar as of late and they're doing a bit of philanthropy too.

But yea... Sigma Pi and Fiji gotta be really careful

By: o.o
#5  by: yoshi   

well as of right now everyone's about to get kicked off campus so

By: yoshi
by: ?Mar 6, 2014 8:29:14 PM

why is everyone gonna get kicked off?

By: ?

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