
kappa delta

by: waste of time???

Is it worth trying to go for kappa delta???
Is a new sorority really that bad?? How much work is it really?? Would love to hear from azid if anyone has input there.

I really want to have fun and go to socials, but I don't want to give up my life to meetings and dismal committee things.I love planning and putting things fotogether,but not so much writing.

Will they really be weird? Or are alot of axo pledges rushing there?? I don't want to be with a bunch of weirdos that a committee of old women think "show promise".

Posted By: waste of time???
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#1  by: Info   

Axid recolonized a chapter that was here previously. Not the same level of work as starting from the ground up.

Any well run sorority is going to have meetings and commitments. Going greek is as much about responsibility and representing the ideals of an organization as it is about social events. Founding a sorority, honestly, is gonna have more of the committee/work stuff, and a LOT of supervision from KD nationals, and a lot less socials/parties/etc. If you want to go to socials, etc, that stuff will take a while. You'd be better off going to a established house to get the "fun" experience along with the work.

By: Info
#2  by: IMHO   

IMHO, a new chapter at URI Will be comprised of: girls who never rushed because they think sororities are stupid, but THEIRS will be different; girls who have a chip on their shoulder from being rejected from the house of their choice; and the unfortunate and socially awkward. The girls getting this started are trying to hype it up, but this is not gonna be a quality group.

by: questionssFeb 9, 2014 2:17:10 PM

Will there be any parties at all? How expensive is colonizing a sorority?

By: questionss
by: answerssFeb 9, 2014 7:58:30 PM

KD nationals has no interest in the "party" aspect of the greek experience. This is about finding women to represent their group and build a solid foundation to continue growth. The focus is friendship, scholarship, and community involvement. They will not be organizing socials, and everything will be heavily supervised.

All sororities have dues. This covers most activities/events the local chapter holds, plus a fee to the national group for administration/programming/legal/etc. With a colony, you would also pay for your pin and probably get a dress for initiation.

By: answerss
#3  by: Hmmm    

It sounds like it might be worth it to wait till fall?? I had to drop out of fall rush because I had a weekend commitment and some night classes do I could not go to parties,but I would like to think I would have made it into at least one house.
Do you think there is a stigma about rushing twoyears in a row ? Or would it be easier to get into kd??? Sounds like if you are halfway decent you might be in.

By: Hmmm
by: NoFeb 9, 2014 2:37:46 PM

No stigma, just rush again.

By: No
by: reallyFeb 9, 2014 8:00:38 PM

Would you rather rush again and end up someplace you love, or go someplace easy to get into just to join? I'd rather be someplace I love, than someplace "halfway decent". There's nothing wrong with rushing again.

By: really
#4  by: ?   

What kind of work do es it take to bring about a new sorority what is different between rechapter and new chapter

By: ?
#5  by: Already   

Recolonizing has the advantage of alum support and preexisting bylaws, traditions, etc. in the case of Axid, they also already had a house. The last three houses founded on campus (Zta, aphi, and PhiSig) all lease houses from other groups.

By: Already
#6  by: okay well   

will they have socials starting next year?

By: okay well
by: truthFeb 10, 2014 11:10:14 AM

they will have socials this year. there will be risk mngt procedures in place which should be happening with any sororities socials..

By: truth

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