
spring rush

by: ?????

When do you find out if you got Bids for spring rush from chi o ???

Posted By: ?????
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Page 1 of 1
#1  by: ...   

There are still 2 more parties.

By: ...
#2  by: oops   

Are these all open parties? I thought they were invites???

By: oops
#3  by: oops   

Are these all open parties? I thought they were invites???

By: oops
#4  by: o   

dear girl who always posts like '???'


By: o
#5  by: greeek   

Everyone that went on Thursday is invited back to the party tomorrow not to sure about Wednesday though that's probably invite.

By: greeek
#6  by: Wed   

Monday is open. Wednesday is invite only.
Bids will go out Thursday.

By: Wed

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