
kappa delta

by: woww

In 24 hrs over 50 girls signed up for the coffee date alone!! wow how competitive is this going to be? getting in?

Posted By: woww
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#1  by: uhhh   

Um, not that competitive. Sorority ceiling is 115. They could take all those girls and the whole interest group and still not be close to total, and that doesn't account for selectivity and people dropping out of the process. At truly competitive schools where a charter starts, they have multiples of campus total interested. Look at the number of girls that drop out of and get dropped from Formal Recruitment at URI--that pool gets narrowed down fast.. Nice try though, trying to make yourselves seem popular. That's cute.

By: uhhh
#2  by: obvious   

hey kappa delta...way to make your first post a shameless self promotion

By: obvious
#3  by: house   

Is kd building a house on campus?

By: house
by: hmmFeb 9, 2014 2:51:15 PM

Can they get a house off campus???

By: hmm
by: hmmm noFeb 9, 2014 8:03:06 PM

The members can live where ever they want, but an off campus house wouldn't be an "official" house. They would just be living down the line.

By: hmmm no
#4  by: zzxc   

there are no open lots on campus to build on and if so there are other sororities ahead of them in terms of length of time on campus to build one. if they get lucky some fraternity will be dumb and they can rent they house for a few years like zta does

By: zzxc
by: I don't get itFeb 9, 2014 2:50:13 PM

Sooooo If they won't have a house... where will that all have meetings and hang out??? What kind of sorority doesn't have a house?? Ya I get the achio thing, but they were just stupid.

By: I don't get it
by: getitFeb 9, 2014 8:05:31 PM

They would have meeting in the union or something. No central place to hang out on campus. Even girls that live down the line hang out at their sorority house on campus. Like someone else said, they'd have to hope for someone else to get kicked off campus, or get in line to build.

By: getit
#5  by: ?   

Is 50 good??? I would think if they were interested it would be more.
How many girls are they going to take right of the bat? Wouldn't ALL 50 have spots??

By: ?
by: ??Feb 9, 2014 8:09:01 PM

The national reps will want to hold out for quality, but if they don't have a good group to choose from, they may have to compromise or start with a much smaller group. They'd better hope they get more than 50 girls or they are screwed.

By: ??
#6  by: it depends   

it depends because that isn't "official recruitment" because recruitment doesn't start until 2 weeks from now. so more girls will show up for that.

By: it depends
#7  by: ???   

So what is the point of this coffee Date thing? If recruitment is at another time what does one really gain from it that they won't get at recruitment?

By: ???
by: yFeb 9, 2014 3:51:35 PM

More opportunities for them to get to know you, and to stand out from a crowd of girls who are applying. You get to know the girls running it, before recruitment, and ask them all your questions. It shows you're putting forth effort and want to take advantage of all opportunities to learn more. if you see no point in it, don't sign up.

By: y
by: howitworksFeb 9, 2014 8:37:35 PM

they want to eyeball you one on one, image, grades, activities, polish are you a girl that would recruit other girls in? Do you have staying power? Those girls they will target and make a priority to get to their rush parties. Makes it easier to figure out who they really want and no they won't take all 50 (not that I think 50 registered int he first 24 hrs that was a marketing attempt...)

By: howitworks
by: howitworksFeb 9, 2014 8:38:09 PM

they want to eyeball you one on one, image, grades, activities, polish are you a girl that would recruit other girls in? Do you have staying power? Those girls they will target and make a priority to get to their rush parties. Makes it easier to figure out who they really want and no they won't take all 50 (not that I think 50 registered int he first 24 hrs that was a marketing attempt...)

By: howitworks

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