

by: rushin

How many girls is ChiO taking for spring rush?

Posted By: rushin
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#1  by: Idk   

Idk, maybe 10?

By: Idk
#2  by: Um   

Chi O was ten from total, so maybe like a dozen if people dropped. I heard a lot of people went though. It's going to be very competitive.

By: Um
#3  by: lots   

not that competitive heard they have about 20 spots...lots of girls must have dropped

By: lots
#4  by: Re: lots   

You heard wrong, guarantee they are taking nowhere near 20. "A lot of girls" DID NOT drop. They have ten spots plus prob a few more for grads/transfers/usual movement for any house.

By: Re: lots
#5  by: lots   

interesting at panhel mtg the number given by a staff member was 18 since she's in charge of sorority rosters I am betting it's accurate. fine if you don't want to play it that way on here but don't post and be a liar

By: lots
#6  by: Keep in mind that   

Just because they can take 18 or 20, doesn't mean they will take 18 or however many. Bids are an option not a promise during informal. I also heard there was 2x that at their party. Not sure if that's true, but if so it is going to be competitive.

Also, a Panhel staff member said Alpha Phi was at or over 120 during fall. If that is correct and they bid ten, then they lost at least 15 members since fall.

Lots of things happen...people graduate, transfer, neglect to make grades or meet other obligations. Informal is totally common at URI. Good for those houses that get to handpick their Spring classes.

By: Keep in mind that

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