
spring rush

by: ??

Does anyone know how the bidding works with spring rush? Especially since there is only 3 houses participating if you dont count KD colonizing? Do the sororities take down your name or something if they're interested in you since its so informal and you dont rank them personally like formal rush?

Posted By: ??
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#1  by: ..   

You only go to the houses you want to go to and you get invited back if they like you and then they could give you a bid. There are no groups and you don't have to visit or rank all the houses like fall rush.

By: ..
#2  by: .   

1. If you have a friend in a house you might be interested in, talk to them now. Spots are fairly limited, so it's good if a sister can recommend you.

2. Even if you don't know anyone in a particular house, you can just show up to any advertised event. Don't be embarrassed, the sisters in these houses want to meet new people. Come prepared to talk and ask questions. They will take down your information and contact you for further parties/events if they are interested in you. Some houses do some events or final parties by invitation only.

3. There is no ranking like in formal rush. You go to parties, and if you get offered a bid, you have to decide whether to accept or decline it. Once you accept a bid, you are committed to that house for a year (so if you later decide that house isn't for you and you weren't initiated, you's have to wait until next spring to rush again). Chi O and DZ are having their events on the same nights. APhi is having theirs about a week earlier.

By: .

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